Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 19.1900

DOI issue:
No. 86 (May, 1900)
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Stttdio- Talk

work by M. Henry Van de Velde is one of the
doits of the Exhibition. It is impossible at the
present moment to analyse this remarkable collec-
tion, but later an interesting article might well be
written on this artist and his work.

Another attraction is the series of twelve land-
scapes by M. A. J. Heymans, which are profoundly
charming in their poetic sentiment and their
delightfully clear colouring. The landscapes of
MM. F. Claus and G. Buysse are equally attrac-
tive, by reason of their sincerity and their freedom
of expression. Worthy of special mention also are
the precise and thoughtful landscapes of MM.
Frederic and W. MacAdam, and the curious works
of M. F. Melchers.

The sculptors are not so well represented as
usual this year, but the catalogue contains the
well-known names of C. Meunier, P. Dubois,
Charpentier, Bourdelle, Dejean, G. Morren, and
Mile. Cornette.

The characteristic drawings of M. Milcen-
deau and the etchings of Mme. Destree-Danse

and M. Nieuwenkamp are worthy of careful

Lastly, mention should be made of the glass-
work of H. Powell, the potteries and ceramics of
Mme. Schmidt-Pecht; not forgetting the displays
by M. Serrurier-Bovy and the Rorstrand porcelain
factory. Then we have to note the lithographs in
colour by MM. Rhead and Riviere, and the
posters designed for the " Libre Esthetique"
exhibition by M. Combaz and Mdlle. Leo Jo.

F. K.

ANTWERP.—The mural paintings on the
escalier tfhonneur of the Hotel de Ville,
which were inaugurated on the opening
day of the Van Dyck fetes, are good in
this respect—that in their ensemble they blend
harmoniously with the dual series of similar works
by Hendrik Leys which adorn the big " Salle de
Reception " and the small hall adjoining, as well
as with the paintings by Victor Lagye in the
" Salle des Manages." They owe a great deal, in
the first place, to the intelligent interest shown by
the eminent director of the Academy, Albrecht

