Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 119 (February 1903)
DOI Artikel:
The Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery: first notice
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The Arts and Crafts Exhibition

too, is a pretty "rose-tree" frieze by Mr. Albert Stephens are conspicuous among the em-
Warner and Mr. E. Ingram Taylor; also a distin- broideries; and the linen cut-work of Mr. Joseph
guished and effective paper designed by Mr. E. Southall is very dainty and full of feeling.
Horace Warner, " The Francesca." Jewellery and enamel-work form too large a

The tapestries and printed hangings demand a section to be fully entered upon in a preliminary
second inspection, but among those that arrest us article, but an interesting little group of necklets
by colour and imaginative charm are Mr. Vigers's and pendants by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gaskin
printed silks and linens. Some handsome deco- may be briefly noted here as among the most
rative paintings by Mr. Morton Nance may be sound and conscientious examples of their kind,
conveniently noted here; more especially a screen Mr. Joseph E. Southall also sends some graceful
entitled " Blake and Van Tromp," which, if a little little pendants with miniatures. Among larger
turbulent in line, at least attracts attention by its pieces of work in the precious metals and enamel-
breezy strength and buoyancy of composition, ling, those of Mr. Alexander Fisher claim first
An overmantel, entitled "Westward Ho!" is based attention, especially the enamelled triptych, "Be-
on the model of a Dutch man of-war of about 1730. hold, I stand at the door and knock." A model of

The lack of accommodation for stained glass at a mace executed by him, in Mr. Walter Crane's
the New Gallery deprives the exhibition of a class design, is also exhibited. Carved figures in
of work growing in importance and favour in its simple drapery support the head, which is
application to house design. There are, however, richly and symbolically decorated, and is crowned
some interesting cartoons of an ecclesiastical kind. with a castellated ornament combined with Maltese
Mr. Christopher Whall exhibits somewhat fully his crosses and fleurs-de-lys. Similar forms reappear
window scheme for Gloucester, and Mr. Hey wood on the handle, which ends in a finely-carved knob,
Sumner sends some of his thoughtful and delicate and is encircled with a twisted band carrying the
work for circular lights. Mr. Anning Bell, whose inscription proper to the borough and the circum-
panels in plaster and gesso were so conspicuous stances of its presentation. The pyx and cross in
a feature in the last two exhibitions, sends a repousse silver, and the chalice in silver-gilt, must
number of cartoons fcr stained glass—the " Adora- also rank among the best achievements of this
tion of the Shepherds," " Virgin and Child admirable craftsman.
Adored," "Cupid and Psyche," "Baptism of {To be continued.)

Christ," and the right-
hand section of a window
in preparat:on for Ather-
ton Baptist Chapel, on
the subject of "The Good
Samaritan." Another
beautiful cartoon for
stained glass is shown by
Mr. H. Dearie, entitled
" Christ's Charge to
S. Peter." This subject
occupies three windows,
and the landscape back-
ground is continuous.
Christ is seated in the
midst with S. Peter
and three other Apostles,
and on the left is an-
other group of three
with their fishing-baskets.
The design is full of
feeling and unaffected

The beautiful designs of

table designed by ambrose heal

Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds exhibited by Messrs. heal and son
