Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 121 (April 1903)
DOI Artikel:
The Arts & Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery: third notice
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The Arts and Crafts Exhibition

WS^j^^S^^^^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^jim^^ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert

Sershall. The two end
, >, | panels are filled with decora-

j tive female figures repre-

........\ ......."°*~*°"**~ ' < • J senting music, and in the

-centre is worked an inscrip-
tion from Tennyson's Lotus-

" Music that genllier on the
Than tired eyelids upon tired

The colour iswell harmonised
with a setting of walnut-wood
and the embroidery is very
finely executed. Mr. Hey-
wood Sumner's decoration
The Forest, is a painted panel,
^■B I in restful grey-green and

marble mantelpiece by w. r. lethaby neutral tones of colour,

executed by farmer and brindley suited either for an over-
mantel or for part of a

Among the overmantel panels introduced in con- frieze, which indeed it rather suggests by its
trasting materials, Mr. W. J. Neatby's decoration in conventional grouping of the deer and the trees,
coloured plaster, The Heart oj'the Rose (page 185), Mr. Clement Heaton's brilliant piece of inlay,
arrested attention by its bold tints and a pleasant in- also called The Forest, in his jewel-case of walnut-
dividuality of treatment. The central figure, seated, wood and marquetry, has already been noticed,
is delicately outlined, and thrown somewhat into and amply confirms one's first impressions of it, as
the background of the

design ; the others are f: BUMk
effectively disposed to right .......... ^ ^ ,^

and left with a good deal of
charm and buoyancy of

Quite in another spirit was
Miss Mary J. NewilPs archaic
and arras-like panel in needle-
work, Gareth and Lionors,
designed and wrought by
her with the assistance of
the Misses Violet and Evelyn
Holden. Exception may be
taken to the labelling ot
figures by their names in a
decoration; but the scheme
of the work is ambitious and
scholarly, and involves a great
deal of patient labour which
has been conscientiously and H

intelligently done. Another Wl OHP
needlework panel, or rather ! •/

series of panels, on a smaller ga

scale, was designed and jewel.case in walnut by clement heaton

wrought for a piano front, by with marquetry inlaid assisted by s. congue
