Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI issue:
Nr. 122 (May 1903)
DOI article:
Scott, Mackay H. Baillie: Some experiments in embroidery
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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as simple in outline as possible. The method loses the unit of the design and build up patterns of that,
in reasonableness as soon as the pieces become In this way much of the Oriental work was done,
small and the pattern more readily worked in and there is something logical and reasonable in such
stitches. The breadth of effect gained by using a method that atones for the frittering away of the
larger pieces is secured at the expense of richness, surface which it entails : it would be more suit-
and the whole result may be a little tame and flat, able in connection with broad spaces of applique.
And here the use of precious concentrated features Space will not admit or time allow of even an
will save the situation, and a green meadow, for enumeration of the stitches used in embroidery,
instance, may be set with jewelled flowers. but the " satin stitch," as it is called, may be taken

The most direct method of applique is to sew on as the normal one to be used when in doubt,
the pieces with invisible thread, merely turning in In the consideration of the place of needlework in
the edges of the material. The next process is that the house, it is necessary to remember that the em-
which is sometimes called " peasant embroidery," broidery should be made for the house, and not the
probably because it is seldom practised by peasants house for the embroidery. It is this inversion, this
and cannot be strictly described as em-
broidery. In this the outline is made a
feature in the design, and, like the lead
line in a stained glass window, separates
the different materials. For such an out-
line there is safety in a neutral grey,
but much variety of effect is to be gained
by introducing various colours, though
this more complicated system is not
without its pitfalls for the unwary. The
use of braids and ribbons, either of gold
or silver or colours, at once suggests
tself, and there is no necessity for classing
the result of our labours as " Austrian
ribbon-work," because it is found that the
long stem which would need so many
hours of stitching to embroider may be
more readily executed with a braid or

In turning to the consideration of
embroidery proper, where the whole
pattern is built up of stitches, a method
which at once suggests itself is that

..... . . , designed by m. h. baillie scott

one should take the individual stitch as cushion worked by miss mallinson
