Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 122 (May 1903)
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Studio- Talk

has recently completed for one of Miss
Cranston's tea-rooms in this city.
Suffice it to say that the work more
than maintains the high reputation of
this talented and imaginative designer.

We have pleasure in giving illus-
trations on pp. 289 and 291 of two
pastel studies by a clever and rising —
young artist, Miss Paxton Brown. ™

DUBLIN.—The unusual in- 1 * 6
terest shown in all things -~—' ^
pertaining to art last winter 0 <ii

in Dublin is one more proof
of the reality of the intellectual revival
that is going on in Ireland. First came
Sir Walter Armstrong's lectures at
Alexandra College on portrait painting
—an admirable series of critical studies
and a fitting prelude to the Exhibition
of Old Masters at the Royal Hibernian
Academy. This latter Exhibition, which
was designed and carried out with such

triumphant success by Mr. Hugh Lane, • ■• ■■■■:=r?-------

brought to light several fine and almost
unknown portraits by Reynolds, Rom-

ney, Hoppner, and other eighteenth- wall decoration

century painters, and gave some idea (See Glasgow studio-Talk)

of the treasures that lie hidden in Irish

country houses. A curious paradox in connec- municipal gallery lor Dublin. Thousands of
tion with this Old Masters Exhibition is that people flocked to see these pictures, interest in
out of it has grown the idea of a modern art was stimulated, and as a result an influential

by c. e. mackintosh