Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 122 (May 1903)
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the animals of "the woods" are exquisite plane
projections: not only the forms, but also the
motion of each beast is admirably suggested. The
same must be said of the jolly dachshund, every
characteristic of which this grotesque toy preserves
with the touch of a master-hand. H. W. S.

PARIS.—The Exhibition of the French
Water-Colour Society seems to me
less interesting than those of past
years. It is, at any rate, quite certain
that this Exhibition, the twenty - fifth, includes
several quite second-rate works, which I will pass
over in silence. I will at once turn to the five
pictures (two of them are already known to the
readers of The Studio) by Gaston La Touche, a
real conjuror with colour, whom M. Guirand de
Scevola imitates, on these very walls, with but little
originality. M. Jeanniot is always refined in his
feeling for a modern interior, and some of his
female figures are as good as M. Helleu's best
work. M. Paul Rossert sends some landscapes
from the South, and a Sea Port of remarkable
breadth, in which he shows himself faithful to the
true conception of water-colour painting. Jean
Geoffroy is an emotional painter of child life in
Belleville and Montmartre; and we may note M.
Zuber's delicate and luminous work.

The collection of works by the artists of Lorraine

now on view in the Pavilion de Marsan, consisting
of pictures and decorative art executed during the
last ten years, proves once more the vitality and
originality of the school. We see more clearly than
ever what are the general principles which guide this
group of artists, otherwise so dissimilar, while among
them are some of the most distinguished individual-
ities of the day. We cannot of course notice all the
works exhibited, but we may point out how various
they are in kind and style. Thus we have fur-
niture by Galle, as usual, elegant and quite peculiar ;
Majorelle gives us large schemes for decoration,
very simple in form and faultless in line treatment;
Vallin and Gaultier show great spirit and power;
M. Prouve has two large glass cases full of bindings
done by him since the time when he worked with
the lamented C. Martin : they show this fine artist's
progress in his elaboration of harmonious and
decorative effects. Among the more important speci-
mens are three bindings executed for the "Contes
de Flaubert." . His gifts as a sculptor are also
displayed in the two panels in high relief, done for
the People's House at Nancy, while as a painter, akin
to Rubens and Delacroix, he makes a brilliant show
with a large decorative work. Some other bindings
by M. Gruber and M. Wiener are no less worthy of
examination, as is also M. Hestaux's inlaid work.
M. Courteix, partly in collaboration with M. Prouve
and partly independently of him, has produced
some fine and exquisite lace. M. Bussiere contri-

