Studio- Talk
How wonderful, how miraculous indeed, has
been the course of events during the past few
months ! So wonderful that in our joy we
have most of us almost forgotten the terribly
anxious days of March, when, more perhaps
than at any time since the beginning of the
stupendous struggle, fortune seemed to be
against us, and our very existence as a nation
was threatened. But we do not forget, and
indeed we should not deserve to survive as a
nation if we did forget, the heroic sacrifices made
library book-plate. designed by robert
{From our own Correspondents.)
LONDON—At last the great conflict of
nations has come to an end. Right
has triumphed over Might, and with
the passing of the dark thunder-
clouds that for more than four years have
oppressed humanity Justice from her throne on
high reveals her countenance to mankind.
book-plate for the countess of moray
designed by graham johnston
by countless thousands of our own countrymen
and the soldiers of our Allies, whose immortal
deeds have frustrated the sinister designs of a
merciless enemy. Nor shall we ever forget the
ncalculable debt we owe to our American
kindred whose magnanimous participation in
the struggle on the side of freedom and right
has, beyond all doubt, not only accelerated,
but made possible the triumphant termination
of the conflict. And now that with the advent
of Peace the subject of memorials will occupy
public attention, some means will, it is to be
hoped, be devised whereby our gratitude to the
book-plate for lord arthur butler §reat Republic of the Western Hemisphere may
designed by j. f. badei.ey, r.e. be worthilr recorded for all time.
How wonderful, how miraculous indeed, has
been the course of events during the past few
months ! So wonderful that in our joy we
have most of us almost forgotten the terribly
anxious days of March, when, more perhaps
than at any time since the beginning of the
stupendous struggle, fortune seemed to be
against us, and our very existence as a nation
was threatened. But we do not forget, and
indeed we should not deserve to survive as a
nation if we did forget, the heroic sacrifices made
library book-plate. designed by robert
{From our own Correspondents.)
LONDON—At last the great conflict of
nations has come to an end. Right
has triumphed over Might, and with
the passing of the dark thunder-
clouds that for more than four years have
oppressed humanity Justice from her throne on
high reveals her countenance to mankind.
book-plate for the countess of moray
designed by graham johnston
by countless thousands of our own countrymen
and the soldiers of our Allies, whose immortal
deeds have frustrated the sinister designs of a
merciless enemy. Nor shall we ever forget the
ncalculable debt we owe to our American
kindred whose magnanimous participation in
the struggle on the side of freedom and right
has, beyond all doubt, not only accelerated,
but made possible the triumphant termination
of the conflict. And now that with the advent
of Peace the subject of memorials will occupy
public attention, some means will, it is to be
hoped, be devised whereby our gratitude to the
book-plate for lord arthur butler §reat Republic of the Western Hemisphere may
designed by j. f. badei.ey, r.e. be worthilr recorded for all time.