Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 75.1918

DOI issue:
No. 310 (January 1919)
DOI article:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Studio- Talk


from the north, the excavations providing a warm and that instead of being a rock of offence

yellow sandstone which, together with other to future generations, they should be objects

local stones, has been used for the garden ter- of veneration to those who follow us. This

races. The walls of the house are built hollow— Committee has been formed, not to under-

a necessary precaution in this district. The take designs, but to give assistance and advice

upper parts are hung with sand-faced tiles, and at an early stage to the promoters of memorials ;

the roof is covered with similar tiles in broken to act as a body of reference for those who

tints, which besides giving at once a pleasing desire guidance as to the general scope and

effect will become more mellow with age. The character of mc morials ; to advise on their

loggia on the front forms a sunny open-air living- suitability for specific sites or positions in

room, and can be enclosed with glazed oak screen- buildings ; and generally7 to further an organized

doors as a protection from winter weather. effort to make the memorials of this war

worthy of their great occasion. The Execu-
tive Committee consists of Sir E. J. Poynter,

STUDIO-TALK. ten Royal Academicians and one Associate,

,_ _ . Lords Plymouth, Crawford, and Ferrers, Mr.

(From our own Correspondents.) Q j Mr c Aitken

LONDON.—As the outcome of the recent (Tate Gallery), Sir Cecil Smith (Victoria and

conference on War Memorials, con- Albert Museum), Mr. Henry Wilson (Arts and

vened by the President and Council Crafts Society), Sir Theodore Cook, Mr. Christo-

of the Royal Academy, an Executive pher Whall, Mr. Campbell Swinton, Prof.

Committee has been appointed to carry into Lethaby, and the Dean of York. Communica-

effect the proposals approved thereat. The tions for the Committee should be addressed to

primary object of the movement is to obviate the Secretary, Royal Academy of Arts, Burling-

the danger that the desire to perpetuate the ton House, London, W i.
memory of those who have laid down their lives

shall waste itself in wrong channels through lack We reproduce on page 127 a tablet designed

of competent guidance. It is considered essen- by M. Valentin Vaerwyck, of Ghent, as a

tial that memorials, however simple, should record of the gratitude of the Belgian refugees

express the emotion of the present and hope of at Coventry for the hospitality shown to them

the future without losing touch with the past, during their exile. The memorial is mounted on