Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 2.1972/​1975

DOI Artikel:
Horio, Hisashi: Farm tools in the "Nôgu-Benri-Ron": intense hoe-farming during the Edo period in Japan
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of Japanese ideas) Tokyo 1972 pp. 9-66 (an
linuma, Jird: The Neno-hi-kara-suki of Shosoin.
in: Tools and Tillage Vol. I: 2, 1969 pp 105-116.
linuma, Jird: The Meiji System: The Revolution
of Rice Cultivation Technology in Japan, in:
The Agricultural History Society, Annual Book
for Award 1969, pp 289-296.
linuma, Jird: Nihonshi niokeru suki to kuwa.
(Plough and Hoe in Japanese History) in: Jin-
mon gakuho, by Research Institute for Humani-
stic Studies in Kyoto Univ., No. 32, 1971 1-21.
linuma, Jird: Nihon nogyo gijutsu ron. (The his-
tory of agricultural implements in Japan) Tokyo
Janata, A.: Kreiner, J. und Pauer, E.: Materialen zu
Kuwa (Erdhacke) und Suki (Spaten). Bodenbau-
gerate Japans I, in: Archiv fur Volkerkunde,
Wien, Nr. 23, 1969 pp 101-159.
Janata, A.; Kreiner J. und Pauer, E.: Zur Ge-
schichte des Pfluges (Karasuki). Bodenbaugerate

Japans II, in: Archiv fur Volkerkunde, Wien,
Nr. 24, 1970 pp 207-264.
Janata, A.: Kreiner J. und Pauer, E.: Gerate der
Tagoshirae-Feldbestellung und des Ta-ue-reis-
auspflanzens. Bodenbaugerate Japans III, in:
Archiv fur Volkerkunde, Wien, Nr. 25, 1971 pp
Kagoshima han (Kagoshima Clan): Seikei-Zusetsu,
reprinted copy. Part 2, Tokyo 1933.
Nishimura, Eijurb: Noyo kigugaku. (Farm tools
and machinery) Tokyo 1900.
N.B.R. = Nogu-Benri-Ron.
Nagatsune, Okura: Nogu-Benri-Ron, published
copy in 1822, Osaka.
Seikei-Zusetsu see Kagoshima.
Smith, Thomas: Okura Nagatsune and the Techno-
logists. in: A. M. Craig (ed.) Personality of Ja-
panese History 1971 pp 127-154.
Werth, Emil: Grabstock, Hacke und Pflug. Lud-
wigsburg 1954.

from page 192, in 1855, 8-10%; in 1871, about
90%. By 1920, iron ploughs had replaced all others,
except in relict areas and amongst small farmers.
Deeper autumn ploughing accompanied the intro-
duction of new plough types, and horses also gra-
dually replaced oxen as the main draught animals,
though as in parts of Scotland, cows could be found
in the plough into the 20th century.
The author completes his survey by discussing
ploughing techniques (which here aim at achieving
surface drainage since systematic underground tile
drainage is rare), the folklore, literature, sayings
and proverbs connected with ploughs, and the
part played by the plough as a symbol and as a
reflection of social and economic circumstances.
This is an important work for the study of
plough history in general. A translation or digest
of the major sections into one of the major inter-
national languages would be welcome.
Alexander Fenton.

Der Haken auf der Halbinsel Oman diirfte ein
alter Typ sein, wohl gleichzeitig mit dem Ackerbau
im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr., denn er hat nichts ge-
mein mit dem Haken von Mesopotamien (Salonen),
von wo aus die Jamdat-Nasr-Kultur um 3000 v.
Chr. einen dominierenden Einfluss auf die Halb-
insel Oman auszuiiben began, aus deren Minen sie
einen Teil ihres grossen Kupferverbrauchs holte
(Frifelt 355).
Frifelt, Karen: Jamdat Nasr fund fra Oman, in:
Kuml 1970.
Glob, P. V.: Ard og Plov i Nordens Oldtid (sum-
mary: Ard and Plough in Prehistoric Scandina-
via). Aarhus 1951.
Lerche, Grith: The Radiocarbon-Dated Danish
Ploughing Implements, in: Tools and Tillage
Vol. I: 1, 1968.
Leser, Paul: Entstehung und Verbreitung des
Pfluges, Munster i.W. 1931 (photographic print:
Viborg 1971).
Salonen, Armas: Agricultura Mesopotamica. Ann.
Acad. Scient. Fennica, Tom 149, Helsinki 1968.
Vilkuna, Kustaa: Varskidor. Festskrift till Olav
Ahlback. Helsinki 1971.