Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 2.1972/​1975

DOI article:
Balassa, Iván: The earliest ploughshares in Central Europe
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2. The author does not define it exactly, but lists
it among the ploughs with a share fixed hori-
3. The author mentions two more Celtic plough-
shares, the shape of which, however, cannot be
sufficiently defined.
4. It is necessary to make a detailed historical
survey in order to prove the interrelation be-
tween the ploughshares described and to dis-
tinguish them from other implements of similar
shape, with which they are however not con-
nected either in age or geographically. Thus
Israel: Avitsur 1965, fig. 7-8. Armenia: Bdojan
1972 table IV (though the possible connection
between the two might be investigated); in the
north of the European part of the Soviet Union
such pieces were revealed from 7-16. century:
Kirjanov 1959, 316-317.
5. For detailed information refer to Gabrovec
1955; Bratanic 1960. One must always reckon
with the uneven distribution of archaeological

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