Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 4.1980/​1983

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drawings, a bibliography and a chronological list
of the sites and their periods (from 6200 B.C. to
3800 B.C.). »The first shepherds and farmers in
the Western Mediterranean area« includes mate-
rial from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta
and Algeria.
Les techniques de conservation des grains d long
terme leur role dans la dynamique des systemes
de culture et des societes, ed. by Marceau Gast et
Franqois Sigaut. Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et
de Prehistoire des Pays de la Mediterranee Oc-
cidentale (L.A. 164) Aix-en-Provence and Maison
des Sciences de 1’Homme, Groupe Ecologie et
Sciences Humaines, Paris 1979. Vol. 1 ISBN: 2-
222-02507-9, 232 p. Vol. II 1981 ISBN: 2-222-
02826-4 e<i- by Marceau Gast et Francois Sigaut
and Mme Ariane Bruneton-Governatori, 238 p.
These 2 volumes contain 37 articles dealing
with the subject as treated through a number of
scientific disciplines. The geographical coverage
includes Europe, Africa and China, and the time
range is from prehistory onwards. The French
initiative in concentrating scientific attention on
this important subject is greatly to be praised.
Irtdsgazddlkoddsunk Emlekei. Irtdsfoldek, Irtds-
modok. (English summary: Relics of Hungarian
Shifting Agriculture, Cleared Land and Method
of Clearing) by Takacs Lajos. Akademiai Kiado.
Budapest 1980. ISBN: 9630522020, 418 p. in-
cluding 45 ill., register 11 p., literature 32 p. and
English summary 6 p. A profound work contain-
ing new and revised scientific interpretations.
Bauernarbeit im Feudalismus. Landwirtsch aft-
liche Arbeitsgerate und -verfahren in Deutschland
von der Mitte des ersten Jahrtausends u.Z. bis um
1800, by Ulrich Bentzien. Akademie der Wis-
senschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut ftir Ge-
schichte. Veroffentlichungen zur Volkskunde und
Kulturgeschichte, Band 67. Berlin 1980. 271 p.
including no ill. and 16 tables. Lizenznummer:

This thorough study of the peasant’s work in
Germany from the middle of the first millenium
A.D. until about 1800 gives a good survey of the
present state of research in agricultural imple-
ments and working processes with illustrations
and references to known finds of ard- and
ploughshares, coulters, sickles, scythes, harrows
and medieval and later contemporary illustra-
tions. It deals also with cattle-breeding, innova-
tions, social economic and cultural connections.
Der landwirtschaftliche Geratebestand des Aso-
Gebietes, by Erich Pauer. Vol. II in the series:
Aso, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart eines land-
lichen Raumes in Siidjapan. Beitrage zur
Japanologie. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur
Japanologie der Universitat Wien, Band XIII.
Wien 1976. 255 p. including 14 photos, a number
of measurements of tools and a Japanese sum-
mary and list of literature.
Reisernte (inekari), Erntemesser und Sichel
(kama) Bodenb auger ate Japans VI, by Alfred
Janata, Josef Kreiner und Erich Pauer. Archiv ftir
Volkerkunde 30, Wien 1976. 68 p. including list
of literature 10 p., 20 ill. and a catalogue with
descriptions and measurements of the individual
Together with the 5 previously published arti-
cles by the triumvirate in Archiv ftir Volkerkunde
on the hoe, spade, plough, rice planting, and
pest-control, these publications written in a west-
ern language about agricultural implements used
in Japan constitute a fine and informative survey
for a non-Japanese reader. Researchers on the
plough and rice planting have not hitherto had
easy access to this material.