Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 4.1980/​1983

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Smith, Robert E. F.: Some tillage implement parts in the Zausailov Collection National Museum of Finland
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(continued from page 211)
3. Collection Zaoussailov, II, 27. Unfortunately,
he did not specify the catalogue numbers.
4. Tallgren illustrated, in Collection Zaoussailov,
II, Plate IV, no. 36, item 6056. These are here
called type III.
5. Collection Zaoussailov, II, 27. In Plate IV,
no. 34, Tallgren illustrates item 6055 from the
collection. These are here called type I.
6. In Chernetsov’s article in Tools and Tillage II,
1, p.40 a share is illustrated with a similar
feature (fig. 9, item 6); he calls this share, from
Bolgary on the Volga, asymmetrical, but it
may simply be worn more on one side than the
7. Levasheva gives the Historical Museum catalo-
gue nos. as 20008, 20009, 58457 and 85612.
8. Levasheva is citing a thesis by M. F. Zhigano-
va: Kozyaistvo Mordvy v XIII-XVIw., 1955.
9. Smith citing Lyapushkin.
Bratanic, Branimir: Grace sprave u Hrvata. Za-
greb 1939.
Chernetsov, Alexey V.: On the Origin and Early
Development of the East-European Plough
and the Russian Sokha, in: Tools and Tillage
11:1, 1972, 34-50.
Collection Zaoussailov I and II: see Tallgren.
Firstov, G. V.: Zapiski Kazanskogo ekonomiches-
kago obshchestva, ch. 1, kn.3, otd.II, 1854,
Glob,P.V.: Ard og Plov i Nordens Oldtid.
Aarhus 1951.
Haudricourt, A.G. and Delamarre, M.J.-B.:
L’homme et la charrue a travers le monde.
Paris 1955.
Leser, Paul: Entstehung und Verbreitung des
Pfluges. Munster 1931 (photographic reprint:
International Secretariat for Research on the

History of Agricultural Implements, Copenha-
gen 1971).
Levasheva, V. P.: Sel’skoe Khozyaistvo, in: Tr.
GIM (Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Istorichesgo
Muzeya, Vyp.32, Moscow 1956, 19-105.
Lyapushkin, 1.1.: Kratkie soobshcheniya o dok-
ladakh i polevykh issledovaniyakh Instituta is-
torii material’noi kul’tury, IV pp. 60, 62 and
XXXIII, 31-32.
Mukhamed’yarov,S.F.: Materialy po istorii seP-
skogo khozyaistva i krest’yanstva SSSR, III,
95. Moscow 1959.
Rees, Sian E.: Agricultural Implements in Pre-
historic and Roman Britain. BAR series 69 (I).
Oxford 1979.
Smirnov, A. P.: Ocherki drevnei i srednevekovoi
istorii narodov srednego Povolzh’ya i Prim-
kam’ya, in: MIA (Materialy i issledovaniya po
arkheologii SSR), no. 28, 1952.
Smith, R. E. F.: The Origins of Farming in Russia.
Ecole pratique des hautes etudes, Sorbonne.
Paris 1959.
SMYA - Suomen Muinaismuistoyhdistyksen
Spitsyn, A. A.: Drevnosti Kamskoi Chudi.
St. Petersburg 1902.
Tallgren, A.-M.: Collection Zaoussailov au Musee
Historique de Finlande a Helsingfors, I,
Catalogue raisonne de la collection de Page de
bronze. Helsingfors 1916, 5-6. (Here referred
to as Collection Zaoussailov II).
Tallgren, A.~M.: Collection Zaoussailov au Musee
National de Finlande a Helsingfors, II, Mono-
graphic de la section de Page du fer et Pepoque
dite de Bolgary. Helsingfors 1918.
Vilkuna, Kustaa: Die Pfluggerate Finnlands. Hel-
sinki 1971.
Zelenin, Dm.: Russkaya sokha, ee istoriya i vidy,
Vyatka 1907.
Zhiganova, M. E: Khozyaistvo Mordvy v XIII-
XVIw., 1955.