Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Scarrocchia, Sandro: Dvořák and the trend in monument care
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direction that requires careful assessment. He argues
that the continuity of the tradition of building was
interrupted by the of the period 1910
- 19257' This continuity must be regained, as en-
treated by the young Christian Norberg Schultz, and
the new architecture, as defended by the young Frei
Otto, must be started that is in the develop-
ing areas. The alternative that he hopes for consists
of respect for the Salzburg building tradition, in the
of the copies, recalling a principle that
had already been wished for (perhaps provokingly?)
by Loos, and above all, in transferring new building
work to the developing areas outside the historical
centre, to be implemented with the radical forms
of contemporary architecture. In other words, neo-
traditionalism in the historical centre, according to
what was wished for by Dvořák made more trite
by Norberg-Schultz, and modem architecture, ac-
cording to Frei Otto, in the new city, outside the
historical centre.^
To denounce the risks run by historical build-
ings that hâve reached our time, in paragraph 5, in
other words at the core of his argument, Sedlmayr
makes the same considérations that Roberto Pane
had expressed on the occasion of the meeting of the
Triennale in Milan in 1957 on the "Urban Actuality
of the Monument and the old Environment" with
which he had intended to denounce in the most
resolute way both the spéculative pressures that
tended to increase the density of the building work,
destroying the historical stratification and the âge
value, as much as the inability of the contemporary
architectural culture to assume responsibility for the
real conservadon of this stratification with suitable
operadons for its recovery, restoradon and intégra-
tion, dictated by funcdonal requirementsT In this
sense, Pane had proposed on that occasion, both
to mark off the area of the historical centre to be
safeguarded and impose on it absolute respect of the
disposidon of the masses and the historical fabric,
as well as the creadon of a register of architects
'' OECHSLIN, W: Neues Bauen in der Welt messa al bando
delle nazioni. In: Rzzrr^/zzz, 38, 1989, No. 2, pp. 7-9; SCAR-
ROCCHIA, S.: Cultura tenico materiale e conservazione dei
beni architettonici. In: ^zzzzAr/zz ř z&př/z.fř ^zTírtz/zz/zz <7? rton'z?
3z//'E/zzzw.fz'/7 3z 23, 1991, chap. IV

/770r. R/p/v U? /zz/<?/3 r^mA/zř 3?z rzzPzz/vZz'. Ejpřtzř/zyř
zz#/zzz3 2z zwE/zro z?mózA#o///'n? z/z ÍAz/zb <? /zř/X% Ríp//7MZz řUUzz/í?
TbshsYí?. M#z A/ (U/zM^w 7(3(7, D3TR7LMI3 U^PÁo/zrřfm^rTG/zz,
(Uo/zzA - /i Aízzzyo 7737. Edr. A R07T7AENBM(377 — 7.
JUdRROOCHM - R 3PER7M. U/zřyz7 /22P
specialised and qualihed to collaborate with the
monument care authorides.
From Pane's intervendon, Sedlmayr takés up espe-
cially the denouncement not only of the incapacity of
contemporary architectural culture to build the devel-
oping city with values and qualides analogous to those
of the past, but also to contrast the speculadve pres-
5" NORBERG-SCHULZ, C.: E^zP BzzzzÁzz/zE (i=Bauwelt
Fundamente, 15). Franfurt a. M. - Wien 1965; OTTO, F.:
Dďt 7?zz/zgř/z7ř DzzzA GřEď/z* zz/z2 7/rzz^/zzz*. Berlin 1954.
55 PANE, R.: Restauro dei monumenti e conservazione
delTambiente antico. In: M#zzzzÁ73 zzr^zz/zzEzřzz /w/z/z/z/řz/A/ ř
7ř/y^7z'ř/ztř zz/zz'/bz/. Milano 1957, pp. 7-18.
