Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
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Obsah / Contents
DOI Artikel:
Szakács, Béla Zsolt: Images from the production line: constructing Saints' lives in the "Hungarian Angevin Legendary"
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Windows of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris.' ' In the fol-
lowing, we shall apply some of these méthodologies
to the hrst analyzing the
single pictorial éléments constituting the structure
of a picture, and continuing with the problém of
répétitive compositions.
Construction of the Image Types
The degree to which the image types were compré-
hensible depended on the appropriate sélection and
Organization of the available visual tools. First of all,
this process in which the image types were construct-
ed from visual elements needs to be examined.
If we look at the individual image types, we can
realize that these are generally built from a relatively

* ' LOWDEN, Les rois et les reines de France en tant que
'public' des Bibles moralisées: une approche tangentielle à la
question des liens entre les Bibles moralisées et les vitraux

small number of visual elements that each contrib-
utes slightly to the meaning of the depiction. Alone
these elements may fulhü a variety of functions, but
do not bear any symbolic content. Their sum total,
however, does — the selected group of these visual
elements détermines the meaning of the image.
Let us pick up an arbitrarily selected pictorial motif,
the bed, through which we can examine what kind of
meanings such elements can convey. The bed is an
obvious accompanying motif in scenes of healing, and
also birth. Furthermore, it provides the usual setting
for death-related scenes, not only when the deceased
is already lying in bed, but also when the saint bids
farewell to his earthly existence. For example, the bed
help s in deciphering the events immediately preced-
ing — and thus representing — the deaths of Giles and
de la Sainte-Chapelle. In: L? L?Ev Rçy<%%nw
LLïi?? Ed. Ch. HEDIGER. Turnhout
2007, pp. 345-362.
