Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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" Tom Nero," on a wall: afterwards he is identified
by the letter to him, " dear Tommy," and when being
diffecled, by the letters T. N. fuppoftd to be made by
gunpowder on his arm. On the fame principle has
Annibal Carrachi written on a footftool, in his
picture of Anchifes and Venus, Genus uncle Latinum,
(referring to the origin of the latian line), becaufe Venus
having many lovers, by what other means might
Anchifes be diftinguimed fo evidently ?

Mr. Richardson obferves " there are certain little
circumftances that contribute to the expreffion. Such
an effect the burning; lamps have that are in the carton
of healing at the beautiful gate of the temple ; one fees
the place is holy, as well as magnificent.

The large fowl that are feen on the fore ground in
the carton of the draught of fifties have a good effect:.
There is a certain fea-wildnefs in them ; and as their
food was fifth, they contribute mightily to exprefs the
affair in hand, which was hilling. They are a fine part
of the fcene.

Pallerotto has drawn a Chrift's head as going to be
crucified, the expreffion of which is marvelloufly fine ;
but (excepting the air of the face) nothing is more
moving ; not the part of the crofs that is feen ; nor the
crown of thorns, nor the drops of blood falling from the
wounds that it makes • nothing can exprefs more than
an ignominious cord which comes upon part of the
i boulder and neck.

If there be any thing particular in the hiftory of the
perfon which is proper to be expreffed, as it is ftill a

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