Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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LIC 109

LAME, is faid of a figure when it does not corre-
fpond in its parts, or is not juitly drawn ; when a foot
is mifplaced, or is longer than its fellow ; or the fingers
too large or too fmall for the hand, &c.

LEAFING is of great confequence in painting land-
fcape ; each mafter has his manner of leafing. The
general rule is, to reprefent the leafing parts by malTes
of made, and to relieve them by maffes of lights in-
ferred upon them, and carefully degraded; thefe are
further ftrengthened by fuch fmart touches, as well of
dark as light, as may be requifite. Thefe touches
fhouid always follow the courle of the leaves, but
without degenerating into detail and drynefs, or as if
the artift had counted bis leaves.

LIGHT and Shadow, vide chiaro oscuro.

LIGHT in which to place a picture, fhouid always
be the fame as that iuppofed in the piece, otherwife it is
a falfe light, and detrimental to the effect of the pic-
ture ; as alfo when the light gliftens againfi the furface
of the canvas.

LIGHT hand, is equivalent to freedom, liberty, &c.
of management and conduct of the neceli ciry uteri*"
fils; whether the chiffel, pencil, graver, &c.

LIBERTY of hand, is ufed in a fenfe not very dif-

LICENCES are certain liberties granted to artifts in
the conduct of fubje£ts, whereby they are freed from
that flavifh attention to abfolute identity of representa-
tion, of which the article treated is' capable. If, for
instance, an artift is fpeclator of a fcene which he wifhes
to compofe, it does not follow, that he fliall not devi-
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