Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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because it was on this occasion that she excavated
the little torso of which she is so proud. " I was
idly digging," she said, " among the rocks and sand
with my red umbrella, hoping to find a stray bit of
pottery, when I suddenly unearthed a little figure
about three inches long, minus head, arms and legs.
Still, it was not to be despised. From a dismembered
torso Michael Angelo derived his inspiration. Origi-
nally the little figure was probably a child's toy.
How much more touching than if I had found
a broken vase, or a common bit of chiselled marble!
In no museum have I ever seen a torso just like my
little treasure, nor do the archaeologists who have
seen mine know how to classify it. At all events,
it must be recognized as one of the unexpected
discoveries of the day ! "

The darkened rooms of Mr. Woodley's rambling
great house on the hillside were a refreshing retreat
after the white heat of the sultry village. The house
was full of old pictures, antique furniture and quaint
odds and ends which suggested an English home;
but the fig-trees and palms in the court and the out-
of-door breakfast-room were Oriental. The dinner,
with its fresh fish and game, was delicious, from soup
to melons.

In the cooler part of the afternoon we started in
two carriages for a drive up the mountain to the con-
vent of Saint Gerasimo and thence across the island.
Mr. Woodley accompanied us, and his man-servant
took charge of the extra wagon which held our light

Cephalonia is an island of rolling stones. One
seldom sees such miles of stone walls as cross and