Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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lady known as Lambini, who was “ exceed-
ingly fair.’* The King was so enamoured of
her beauty and love that he often used to visit
a lovely park, in the vicinity of the city, in
her company. Here the royal couple trifled
away their hours of “ innocence and ease/’
The queen was so very fond of this place
that she one day requested her lord to give
it to her. In spite of her charms and allure-
ments she was politely refused ; but the king
“had her one made more beautifnl still,” and
it was named after her, Lumbin/s grove.
She was greatly pleased with the gener-
osity of her lord, and, not long after this, be-
came the mother of a very beautiful and
supernatural child, who was named Maya.
“ Some time after a second daughter ” follow-
ed, and she was called Mahamaya. When
both of them grew up Suprabuddha request-
ed the favour of King Sinhanu to take them
both as his son’s brides. This the King re-
fused, but agreed to unite Sudhodana and