Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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In the year 1896, Major Waddel surprised us with
hig marvellous discovery by pointing out, according to the
testimony of Huen Thsang, that the aforementioned stnpa
was only seven miles off from Buddha’s birth-place. Soon
after this, Dr. Fiiher discovered an ‘‘inscription identifying
the celebrated Lumbini garden, where Queen Maya gave
birth to her distinguished son”. This last was one of the
many discoveries made, when the actual city of Kapilvastu
was dug out from underneath a luxuriant jungle of ‘colossal
ferns and creepers’. Numerous monasteries, palaces, build-
ings and pillars were revealed, and a column, when deciphered
was found to read the following:—
“King Piyadasi (Asoka) the beloved of the gods,
having been annointed twenty years, himself came and
worshipped, saying ‘ Here Buddha, Sakya Muni was born !?
And he caused a stone pillar to be erected, which declares
‘ Here the venerable one was born.’ ”