Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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At last, the elder queen one day resolved
to leave for her father’s house with the set
purpose of being confined there. The rejoicing
of the people was, therefore, great when Maya
promised the Raja a son in the forty-fifth year
of her life. Such was the custom of the
Ancient East.
On the way she reposed herself in Lum*
bini’s grove, ( 557 B. C.) and there conceived a
bigelephant entering her womb. Then the four
dreams followed. (1) She saw a six-tusked
elephant enter her womb; (2) she moved in
space above ; (3) she ascended a great rocky
mountain ; (4) a great multitude bowed down
to her.
Before this event ‘ the future Buddha was
in the Tushita heaven,’ and no sooner did he
know that the time of his appearance in the
world had come, than he thought of these five
things. (1) The family in which he should be
born ; (2) The country in which to be born ;
(3) The time when he should be born ;(4)in
what race ; (5) and of what woman.