Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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After the fourth presaging token had come to
pass Gautama returned home, but was resolved on
leaving it for ever sooner or later. He now
saw the dark side of every earthly object and
nothing in this world, however beautiful and temp-
ting could satisfy the inner craving of his heart.
One day he happened to see the apartments of his
haremat night when all the women were asleep. To
his utter disgust he found everything in disorder
‘the clothes of the women, their hair, their trinkets?
The females who, only a few days before, looked
charming and attractive were now making hideous
faces and “grinning ghastly smiles.” They were
lying ungracefully on their beds and the bodily
deformities which the female art so cunningly con-
ceals were now made apparent.
Gautama exclaimed “ Of a verity I am in a
graveyard,” and left the Zenana.
A few days after this, when he was lying on a
silken couch listening to the sweet music of some
Indian damsels, he suddenly shut up his eyes. He
found that all surrounding objects were still pre-