Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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therefore, most praiseworthy that a man of his
position in life left all sorts of earthly enjoyments,
once for ever, to help suffering humanity in its
miseries. Of course there are men who will not
allow a ‘hero’ his due share of praise ; but it is
not a little srtange that critics like Dr. Rhys Davids
cannot escape the blot of “ partiality.” His esti-
mate of Gautama can be best expressed in his
own words,
“ He was probablynot the first, he was certainly
not the last,—who, in the midst of prosperity and
comfort has felt a yearing and a want which no-
thing could satisfy, and which have robbed of
their charm all earthly gains and hopes.” This
may not seem to be a depreciatory remark at the
first sight but when a true student of history calls
to his mind the past history of the civilized
world, his inquisitiveness cannot help remarking,
“ Who were Gautama’s predecessors in this respect?
and- were they also guided by the same spirit ? ”
To the first half of his question I can boldly
answer with Dr. Davids—Gopi Chand, Bhartari,