Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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It is not uncommon that a man com>s acrd’s*
a withered arm or a pair" of elephantine legs, here
and there, even at the present day.
Gautuma paid a Visit to these mendicants in
the caves, and asked them to teach hint what
they knew of the Ancient Hindu Religion. He
first placed himself under the tutorial guidance
of Alara, who could not satisfy his inquisitive
pupil, and afterwards, attached himself to one
Udraka,- who equally failed to convert him to his
After having learnt all that the Vedic Religion
had to teach him, he left them, all of a sudden,
one day, and wandered into the jungle to see if
penances would eff ect anything to his satisfaction.
Bodily mortification Was held in the highest
esteem, and its p’ractisers were supposed to ac-
quire supernatural powers. Gautuma retired
into “the jungles of Uruvila, near the site of
the present temple of Buddha Gaya*V and for
^Civilization in Ancient India, by Mr. R. C. Dutt, p; $24, Vol I.