Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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A short time after this, the Buddha’s
father, who had grown very weak and decre-
pit on account of old age, died. He comforts
his relatives and is present at the cremation
of his body, which he does with due cere-
This was followed by the conversion of bis
father’s widow ; Yasudhora ; and a number
of very distinguished Kolyan and Sakya ladies
who very earnestly took the vows. He is
very unwilling to admit them into the order,
and is fully aware of the difficulties which
way arise from time to time in the way of his
progress, but at last yields to the earnest and
persistent advocacy of Ananda and the earn-
est appeals on the part of some very virtuous
women who exclaimed, “He is the saviour
of men, but not of women.”
“ Ananda,” replied the Buddha “ ask not
that women be admitted into the order, that
they be ordained and become Bhikshunis, for
if women enter the order, the rules of the order
will not last long. Ananda, if in a house there