Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Persons Places Festivals 1235

Agathe Tyche (cont.)

Associated toith Agathos Daimon 1125i

11280 cp. 1228
See also Tyche 'Ayadri
Agathodaemones 11270
Agathodaimoniastai 925o 1129o
Agathodainionistai 1129q
Agathoi Daimones

Cult: Alexandreia 1127o
Type: snakes 1127o
Agathos Angelos

Cult: Stratonikeia 8800(0)
See also Theios Angelos
Agathos Daimon

Cults: Alexandreia 11270 11280 Athens
1125! Delos 11280 Eumeneia in
Phrygia 9700 Kentoripa (?) 11290
Philadelpheia in Lydia 1229 Phoi-
nike 1127o Khodes the town 9250
Teos 1066 Thespiai 1125! 1161
Epithet: Ne'os 980

Bite: cup of unmixed wine drunk

after dinner 1125 11290
Personated by Antinoos 1128o Nero 980

11280 Philippus i of Eome 9700
Functions: chthonian 1129q fertility

1125! 1129o male ancestor 1125i

wealth 1125i
Attributes: corn-ears 98y comu copiae

1H77 (?) 1125! 11280 eagle 1125x

phidle 1125x 11280 poppy-heads 980

sceptre 1125i skhent 980
Types: animal and human 11280

bearded 1125i beardless 1126q Eu-

phranorll260 11270 Praxiteles 11270

snake 980 11270 11280
Identified with Dionysos 11290 Kneph

Assimilated to Zeus 1125i
Associated with Agathe Tyche 1125i

11280 cp. 1228 Zeus 'Ara/^ptos 9250
Compared with Zeus 'E7rtTe\eios 4>/Xio?

1163 Zeus $l\ios 1161
In relation to Dionysos 11290

-toast of 11290 •

Agathos Deos (sic)

Cult: Athens 9850
Agathos Theos

Cults: Athens 11290 Epidauros 11260

Megalopolis 1125i
Function: a sort of Zeus 11260
Attributes: cornu copiae 1126q sceptre

11265 snake 11260
Associated with Agathe 1126q
Agathyrsi tattooed 1230
Agaue 3470 (?)
Agdestis (?) 9700
Agdistios (?) 9700

Cults: Egypt 1228 Ikonion 9700 Panti-
kapaion 9700 Pessinous 9700 Phila-
delpheia in Lydia 1229 Phrygia 9700

Epithets: 'Ewtikoos 1228 [tt]v ayi.wT&T7iv]
(pvXaKa Kai oiKodeurroivav rovde rod
o[!kov] 1228

Agdistis (cont.)

Myths: 9694 9700 castrated by himself

9 6 94 castrated by the gods 9694

Liber 9694
Attributes: kdlathos 1229 phidle 1229

tympanon 1229
Type: standing between two lions

with kdlathos on head, phidle in

right hand' and tympanon in left,

flanked by Attis and Zeus 1229
Identified with Kybele 9700 Mother of

the gods 9700 Bhea 9700
Associated with Attis and Zeus 1229
Agdos, Mt

Myths: Agdistis 9694 9700 Deukalion

970,, 9710 Zeus and the Magna

Mater 9694

Cults: Mars 993 Vesta 993 Volcanus


Agesandros ( = Hades) 1113o(2)
Agesilaos ( = Hades) 11130(2) II685
Agesipolis 7
Agis 7

Agis, f. of Amphikles 421
Aglaopes (sc. Asklepios) 1085
Aglaojjhamos 1024
Aglapios (sc. Asklepios) 1085

Cult: Emesa 814s
Agnes, St 1050
Agnostoi Theoi

Cult: Olympia HOOi
Agnostos Theos

Cult: Athens 9420

Cult: Kaulonia (?) 1042
Agonium 19o

Cults: Meter 5542 Meter eu "Aypas

11423 (?) Zeus MiXlxios 11423 (?)
Rites: Lesser Mysteries (c. Anthe-
sterion 20) 1139
Agreus 7154 103 7

Cults : Athena 910] Zeus ' Ara/3('ptos
910-l Zeus 'OX^TTios 9110ff. 1227
Zeus UoXievs 9101

-■ coins of 667 6673 Olympion at

9110 ff. Porta Aurea at 910j tombs
for horses at 11460
Agrionia 1646 9240

Agyieus See Apollon Epithets 'Ayvuvs

and Zeus Epithets 'AyvLevs
Agyieus, the Hyperborean 169
Agyrion 11460

Attributes: key 1054 sceptre 1053
thunderbolt 1053

Types : lion-headed 664x 1053 with
wings on shoulders and haunches,
snake coiled about him, key in
right hand, sceptre in left, and
thunderbolt on breast or at side
1053 f.
