Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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themselves, and spell the same word differently in the same work.1
I have seen the word Pasha written in eleven different manners,
Voivode in ten, Shik and Mosque in fourteen, and Mohamed in
fifteen. Similar confusion is observed respecting the names of
places. I have seen the words Mesaloggion and Misithra written
in eleven different manners, and Bostitza in seventeen ; of which
other examples are given in the Appendix.

It was apprehended, that a strict adherence to the Turkish ortho-
graphy, would have the appearance of novelty or affectation ; while
too great a deviation from it might furnish a presumption of igno-
rance or negligence. Bashaw, Can, Coran, and an infinity of words,
which have been thus tortured into English pronunciation, ought
not to be admitted into any work above the level of a fairy tale.
On such occasions, recourse should be had to an authority against
which no reasonable objections can be alleged. Muradja D'Ohsson2
has generally been followed ; and when the words have not been
found in that accurate author, the next preference has been given
to Herbelot.3

The names of towns, villages, and places are given as they were
written by the inhabitants, though in some instances it Avas necessary
to confide in the pronunciation of the country people who could
not write. It is necessary to observe, that the letter B is pro-
nounced by the modern Greeks like the V, and sometimes like the P.
This appears also to have been the case in more ancient times.
There are several instances of this in the Latin inscriptions which
are found in Greece, where B is substituted for V. On some of the
Greek coins of Ambracia, the P is used instead of the B. The D

1 The author who styles himself Ali Bey, writes Mohamed in five different manners, which
shews that he is no Mohamedan ; many similar errors occur in this and other authors.
• Empire Othoman. 3 Bibliot. Orient.