Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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From Kastri to Distomo—sepulchres near the Kastalian spring—sacred way—sepulchral monument.
Village of Arakoba. Remains of an ancient city. The Triodos and tomb of Laios. Distomo, anciently
Ambrysos. To Daulis—ruins of the city. Mount Parnassos. To Agios-Blasios, anciently Pano-
peus—ruins of the city. To Libadea. Description of an Archon's house. Locusts. Oracular cavern
of Trophonios. To Kapourna, anciently Chaeroneia—ruins of the city.


W~e quitted Delphi on the 5th of March, with five horses, three of
which we hired from the Agha, and two from the Papas. One of the
sons of the Papas attended us on foot, to take care of his father's
horses, and to return with them after we had arrived at Libadea.

We passed near the Kastalian spring. Kadmos here found the
heifer which, in obedience to the oracle, he followed through Phocis,
to the land of the Phlegyai, where it reposed on that spot on which
Kadmeia was accordingly founded, in conformity to the direction
of Apollo.1

Shortly after we had passed the Kastalian spring, and the monas-
tery of Kalogeroi, we came to some sepulchres, cut in the rock on
the left hand side of the road ; they are of the Spelaia or Kruptai
kind, similar to those on the opposite side of Delphi already men-
tioned. The sarcophagi which are contained in some of them are
still covered ; and no doubt contain vases of great antiquity and
interest. I shall ever repent the not having opened them, and I
strongly recommend it to future travellers. One of the sepulchres
has been very magnificent.

1 Ovid. Metam. b. 3. v. 1, &c. Statius Theb. b. 7.