Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Entrance to the Acropolis. Colossal inscribed pedestal. Propylaja and contiguous buildings. The
frusta of the Propylrcan columns united with wood. The Parthenon. Sculpture taken down, and
part of the temple destroyed. Bad effects of the dilapidation upon the minds of the inhabitants.
Destruction of several remains of antiquity by the Turks. Painted ornaments on the Parthenon,
and sculpture. Shields suspended on the Temple. Painted sculpture. The Erechtheion. Doublo
temples. Eleusinian marble. Ancient windows. Caryatid portico. Modern buildings within the
Acropolis. Plants.

In going from the town to the Acropolis the first gate which is
passed is at the foot of the rock, and faces nearly n. e.; on the wall
to the left is a female statue of white marble, sitting on a thronos.
It is headless, and much ruined, but it is evidently of the ancient
iEginetic style : near it is the fragmented statue of a horse.

On the right hand is a modern wall, perforated with loop-holes
for musketry, and separating the Acropolis from the Areiopagos.

The small stream already mentioned runs down the declivity
towards the town in an easterly direction. Two caves and the
ancient steps in the rock are on the left. Having turned the n. w.
angle of the citadel, there is a gate to the right facing the Piraeus.
Opposite this is another gate to the left, which is the first entrance
to the Acropolis ; on entering it the first building on the right hand
is a small tekkie, or mosque, without a minaret, situated above the
theatre of Regilla; and as Stuart conjectures, on the site of the
temple of Aglauros. At the second gate, which is not thirty paces
from the first, the guard are stationed, sitting cross-legged upon a
divan, and covered above by a shed: they consist of a few old
Turks either sleeping or smoking. I have frequently entered the
citadel when they were reposing, and have passed by unperceived ;