Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The island of iEgiiia. Land at the old port. Ruins of the ancient city. Remains of a Doric temple.
Compendium of the history of the island. Soil and produce. Visit to the temple of Jupiter Panhel-
lcnios. The temple and statues. Return to the port, and departure for the island of Salamis.
Land at a deserted port. Proceed and land at a monastery. Description of it. Panoramic view
from a mountain in Salamis. Voyage to Eleusis—compendium of its history. Return by sea to
Athens. Small islands in the gulph. Ancient castle in Salamis. Islands of Psyttalia and Atalanta.
Port Phoron. Piraeus.


The recollections of antiquity would not suffer us to quit the
neighbourhood of iEgina and Salamis, without visiting those two
principal islands of the Saronic Gulph. We accordingly sent to
the Piraeus a few days before our departure, that a boat might be in
readiness to convey us to those places. Having arranged every thing
for our voyage, we set sail from the Piraeus on the 21st of Septem-
ber, in a small boat with three sailors. We left the islands of Psyt-
talia, Atalanta, and Salamis, to our right; and further in the gulph
sailed near the two desert rocks called Diapori and Elaosa. When
we contemplated the scene around us, and beheld the sites of ruined
states, and kingdoms, and cities, which were once elevated to a
high pitch of prosperity and renown, but which have now vanished
like a dream ; when we saw their once busy shores left without an in-
habitant, and their once crowded ports without a ship, we could not
but forcibly feel that nations perish as well as individuals.1 A similar

1 \^oQ>}vaKovtn yap ai TroXtig utnrep avOpwrot. Lucian's Contemplantes.