Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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To Skripou, anciently Orchomenos. Plain of Chaeroneia. Ruins of Orchomenos. Treasury of Minyas.
Lake Kopais—its towns, rivers, and mountains—outlets of the Lake. River Cephissos. Village of
Romaiko. Village of Granitza. Return to Libadea. To Mikrokoura, anciently Haliartds—ruins
of the city. Eremo-Kastro, anciently Thespeia—ruins of the city. To Kakosia, anciently Thisbe
—ruins of the city. Mount Helicon. To the Village of Katsikabeli. To Thebes.


On the 18th we quitted Kapourna, and proceeded along the
banks of the Heemon, which at this time exhibited a Adsible current,
though in summer it is no longer to be seen. At the end of forty
minutes we saw a large tumulus, to the left, with some blocks of
stone about it, perhaps the sepulchre of the Theban patriots who
fell in the battle. Another tumulus, of still larger dimensions,
appears on the right; which probably constituted the roupy ^^oa-iu,1
the common tomb of the Greeks, except the Thebans, which Pau-
sanias2 terms 7ToXvocvSpiou, the receptacle of many men. Fifty minutes
from Chaeroneia, the stream of the Hsemon, or Thermodon, forms a
confluence with the Cephissos, which we crossed over a bridge.
Near the junction of these rivers are some imperfect traces; pro-
bably the temple of Hercules, near which was the principal fury of
the battle. From this spot the prospect is particularly interesting
and magnificent. The nearest objects are the bridge, and the junc-
tion of the rivers, beyond which the plain is expanded to the foot
of Parnassos, which towers above in all its sublimity and magnitude.
The plain is closed by other hills of diversified forms, on which are
distinguished the ruins of Chaeroneia, Panopeus, Daulis, and Para-
potamioi. The latter, which is about five miles from Chaeroneia,
nearly opposite Panopeus, is situated on a rocky eminence above
the Cephissos, on the side of which is a khan. Strabo3 places it

1 Strabo, b. 9- p. 414. * B. 9. c. 39. • B. 9. p. 424.

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