Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Capigi Bashi. After pipes and coffee, and a short conversation,
which we carried on by means of our dragoman, or interpreter, we
took our leave, and were shewn into a long chamber, serving as an
hospital to about forty Turks, who were wounded in the late affair,
and who were lying on mattresses placed on the ground ; some of
them were at that moment breathing their last. We were glad
to turn away from such scenes! and quitted the mansion of death
with disgust.

We were next conducted by our consul, to pay our respects to
the President of the Republic, Count George Theotochi, a venera-
ble old man, who is styled Prince, or Archon. We were received
b}' his Excellence and the senators, with every mark of attention, in
a small and badly-furnished room. They expressed their alarm at
the late unfortunate event; appearing uneasy as to what might fol-
low, and more apprehensive of the villagers of their own island than
of the Turks themselves. They provided us with letters for the dif-
ferent islands of the Republic, which were afterwards of considera-
ble service to us. We also visited the Seraskier on board his ves-
sel : nothing could be more kind than the reception he gave us;
there was great order and neatness throughout the Turkish ships,
which may be said, in point of cleanliness, to vie with English
vessels. In the cabin of the Seraskier I observed the portrait of
Lord Nelson.