Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Odjrssey : it is also the symbol of Minerva. The sTrtQ^a, or armorial
bearing of Ulysses, was a dolphin, the figure of which was on his ring
and bis shield ; for which reason Lycophron1 gives him the epithet of
liXtpivov/ipoq, and this, from his son Telemachus having been saved
from drowning by a dolphin, when a child. Junius,2 speaking of this
story, cites Stesichorus and Critheus, and refers to Plutarch (de so-
lertia animal.) where the story is told at length ; and to Tzetzes (in Ly-
cophronis Cassandram).

Ulysses, as the wisest of men, and one of the most warlike among
the Grecian chiefs, was under the immediate protection of the God-
dess of Wisdom and War; which seems to be signified by her head
being placed on the coin of Ithaca. Pliny3 tells us, that Nicoma-
chus son of Aristodemus, who lived in the time of Alexander, was
the first who painted Ulysses with the pointed cap ; with which he
was from that time generally represented. We may therefore rea-
sonably conclude, that the monuments in which he is seen with the
pilidion, are not prior to the time of Alexander; at least, such is the
opinion of Winckelmann.

The accommodations Ave met with at the house of our friendly
host were extremely comfortable; but great part of our time was
taken up in complimentary visits ; the senate, and all the principal
people of the island, honouring us with their company.

We were not a little surprised, one day, when the servant of
the house came in to announce the captain of the thieves and his
men, who Avere desirous of making our acquaintance; the door
opened, and about a dozen Albanians, of the wildest and fiercest
aspect, marched in, dressed in velvet and gold, and armed as if they
were going to the field of battle. They saluted us with a gentle in-
clination of the head, with the right hand on the breast, and the
usual compliments of I AovXog aw? and woXvxpovta f they then took their

1 Tzetzes, note on the 6/5Sth verse of Lycophron.

2 De pictura veterum. b. 2. c. 8. 3 Nat. Hist. b. 35. c. 10.
4 Your servant. 5 Long life to you.