Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Homer,1 in mentioning the twent}r-four suitors of Same, means of
the whole island. Pliny2 makes Cephallenia and Same two different
islands; and says that the former was once named Melaena. -

Thucydides3 calls it Tetrapolis, from its four cities, Same,4Pronos,5
Kranion, and Pale.6 According to Strabo, there Avas a fifth which
was built by Cams Antonius, uncle of Marcus Antonius. I conceive
that Same was situated on a rocky peninsula, now called Andi-Samo,
in the canal opposite the ruins of Aitos in Ithaca, and a short dis-
tance south of the village still called Same, and mistaken for an
island by Pliny. There are many examples of peninsulas being
called islands, by ancient authors.

The inhabitants of this city were named ^ot^awt: while those of
Samos, on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, were called Za^loi.

Same was a strong place, and sustained a siege of four months
before it was taken by the consul Marcus Fulvius Nobilior f after
this, the whole island submitted to the Romans. Hadrian gave it to
the Athenians.8

There are several remains of the walls of Kranion, which are the
second style of Cyclopian construction similar to those of Ithaca.

There are also some remains at the village of Taphios, on the
western side of the island; which was no doubt, the Taphos men-
tioned by Stephanus.

The remains of three other cities are also distinguishable. Ac-
cording to Meletius,9 Lixouri stands on the site of Pale. The Vene-
tians10 took the island in 1224; from whom it was taken by the Turks
in 1479, and retaken in 1499-

The principal ports are, Pilaro, Samo, Biscardo, Asso, Aterra,
Poro, and the magnificent bay of ArgostSli.11

The chief capes are, Pilaro, Guiscardo, Giria, and Sidero; the

I Odyss. 2 Nat. Hist. b. 4. c. 12. 3 B. 2. c. 30. * Or Samos.
5 Or Pronnos. 6 Or Palle, Pala, Palasa. » Livy, b. 38. c. 28, 29.
!! Dion Cassius, Rom. Hist. b. 69. C 16. 9 Geograph. 10 Coronelli.

II For the names of the villages in Cephallenia, see the Appendix.

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