Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Karl W. Hiersemann; Müller, Heinrich [Bearb.]
Katalog (Nr. 108): Architektur, Ornamentik, Innendekoration, Moebel etc.: einschließlich der vom Architekten Heinrich Müller in Bremen hinterlassenen Bibliothek — Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann, 1893

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Baudenkmäler: Aegypten.

M. Pf

Rhind, A. H., Thebes, its tomba and their tenants ancient and pre-
sent, including a record of excavations in the necropolis. W. 8 pl.
and 9 illustr. Lond. 1862. cloth. 18 —
Roberts, Views in the Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt and
Nubia, from drawings made on the spot by Dav. Roberts, with descrip-
tions by G. Croly and M. Brockedon, lithographed by Louis Haghe,
6 vols, with 250 large, beautifully tinted plates (some col.). London
1842—49. Imp.-fol. (Ladenpreis ohne Einband 43 £ — 860 M.) In
4 Hmaroqbdn., Schnitt vergoldet (etwas wasserfleckig, wie alle Exem-
plare). 400 —
Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Vols. 1—8. W.
many plates. London 1872—85. Vergriffen. 180 —
Behandelt vorwiegend assyrische and egypt. Alterthümer.
Valeriani, D., atlante monumentale del Basso e dell’ Alto Egitto,
compilato dal G. Segato. 2 vols. 158 tavole (40 colorate). fol. Firenze
1835—37. Hfrz. Fleckig, die Abbildungen aber meist unversehrt las-
send. Text fehlt. 30 —
Ansichten, Pläne, Costüme, Antiquitäten etc. darstellend.
Walsh, Th., journal of the late campaign in Egypt incl. descr. of that
eountry and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice and Macri. W.
50 engr. pl. of antiquit. views, costumes, plans etc. some of which
eolour. 4. Lond. 1803. cart. (63 sh.) 20 —
Werner, Carl, Nilbilder. Grosse Ausg. 16 Aquarelle (von 24) wäh-
rend zweier Reisen durch Egypten nach d. Natur aufgenommen. M.
beschr. Text v. A. E. Brehm u. J. Dümichen. Imp.-fol. Wandsbeek
1871—75. In hochelegantem Albumkasten aus Nussbaumholz, reich
profil, m. stylvoller Deckelverzierung, (ca. 200 M.) 135 —-
Verzeichn, d. vorhandenen Aquarelle: 1. Chalifengräber. 4. Strassenleben in Kairo.
7. Bandweber i. Esneh. 8. Mirjam. 11. Geldwechsler in Esneh. 12. Grabmal des
Schech Ababde. 13. Memnonen. 14. Kaffeehaus in Kairo. 15. Barbierladen in
Achmim. 16. Isistempel auf Philae. 17. Tempelhof v. Luqsor. 19- Pyramiden v.
Gizeh. 21. Grabkammer in El Kab. 22. Assuan. 23. Nubisches Kind. 24. Nil-
ufer bei Achmim.
Wharncliffe, Lord, Sketches in Egypt and in the Holy Land, taken
during the yeai- 1855. 17 splendid plates in chromolithography with
an engr. and col. titlepage and a list of plates, gr.-fol. Printed for
private circulation by P. & D. Colnaghi & Co., London. Hlwd. 85 —
Wilkinson, J. G., manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, in-
cluding their private life, governement, laws, arts, manufactures, reli-
gion, agriculture, and early history; derived from a comparison of
the paintings, sculptures and monuments still existing, with the ac-
counts of ancient authors. Both sériés, and Supplement: 6 vols.
With 600 plates (some coloured) and woodc. London 1837—4L cloth.
Beste Ausg. 130 —
Tafel 54a. fehlt.
Wilkinson, Gardner, architecture of ancient Egypt, in which the co-
lumns are arranged in Orders etc. 8. W. an atlas of 18 plates partly
eolour. Imp.-fol. London 1850. Hmaroq. 55 —
York, C. and W. M. Leake, remarks on some Egyptian monuments
in England. W. 21 plates. (London about 1820.) cart. 10 —

Kleinasien und Syrien.
M. Pf.
Buckingham, J. S., travels in Palestine. W. portr., map and 34 illustr.
4. Lond. 1821. half calf. (31sh.) 12 —
Burckhardt, J. L., travels in Syria and the Holy Land. W, portr.
and 6 maps. 4. Lond. 1822. Hldr. (50 sh.) Beste und seltene Aus-
gabe. Die Tafeln leicht stockfleckig. 36 —
Karl W. Hiersemann in Leipzig, Königsstrasse 2. Catalog 108.