Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Pajor, Piotr: Kilka uwag o okolicznościach budowy i formie architektonicznej kościoła Klarysek w Starym Sączu
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Description of architectural structure
The church of Poor Clares in Stary Sącz, which is a part of the convent compound
located on the eastern edge of the chartered town, was built of the local variety of
sandstone. Its three-part structure consists of a short chancel, enclosed by five sides
of the octagon, and the body of the main nave on the plan of a strongly elongated
rectangle, in the eastern part housing the proper, one-space nave, and in the western
part, the former chapter house9, with the convent’s tribune above it (see: Fig. 2).
The chancel and the western half of the body of the church are clasped with but-
tresses. The chancel is covered with a quadripartite rib vault with pear-shaped ribs
(see: Fig. 3) running from corbels in the form of inverted pyramids, in which sides,
niches with tracery finish have been carved out (see: Fig. 4). The nave and the
convent s tribune, although now vaulted, were originally covered with ceilings. The
eastern bay of the lower level opens to the eastern part of the nave with two wide
arcades on a profiled four-sided pillar (see: Fig. 5). Further to the west, separated
by a wali, there is an enormous space of the chapter house occupying two western
bays at the lower level, covered with a ribbed vault consisting of four bays around
one central, octagonal pier (see: Fig. 6). The ribs in this part of the building are
much morę massive than in the chancel, and they have a simple profile formed by
chamfering the edges. The oratory for the nuns’ worship opens towards the eastern
part of the nave with a wide window, filled with rich tracery (see: Fig. 7).
State of research
Since its introduction to the subject literaturę by Władysław Łuszczkiewicz, the
church in Stary Sącz church was relatively often discussed, whereas distinguishing
its construction phases and linking them with the aforementioned thirteenth and
fourteenth-century sources seems to be the dominant issue. Both Łuszczkiewicz
and Paul Crossley believed that the church in Stary Sącz was essentially erected in
one single phase, directly before 1332. Moreover, Crossley linked the Poor Clares’
tempie with the same workshop that was responsible for Kraków cathedrals choir,
recognizing the characteristic tracery corbels in the chancel as the most important
premise for making the connection.10 Crossley also emphasized the extremely so-
phisticated character of the tracery work, especially in the grand tracery window
opening to the nuns’ choir; he believed that the models for its design - as well as
for the design of the forms found in the Kraków cathedral - were to be sought in
discussed document was entered, which probably served the Franciscans of Nowy Sącz as
proof of ownership of the plot within that city (see in particular: A. Rutkowska-Płachcińska,
Sądeczyzna, p. 133, notę 156). Also significant in this context is Anna Rutkowska-Płachcińskas
(ibidem, p. 138) hypothesis about the ultimately incomplete success of the towns transfer (as
Stary Sącz was not eliminated, after all) being due, it seems, to the monastery of the Poor Clares
remaining in its existing location.
9 This space under consideration, traditionally referred to as the “old sacristy”, now serves as
a chapel, connected to the church with a door that was not originally there, but was a secondary
addition (S. Świszczowski, Materiały do dziejów kościoła kiasztornego S.S. Kiarysek w Starym
Sączu, “Rocznik Sądecki”, 17,1982, p. 294), however, in the literaturę it is widely interpreted as
a chapter house; Considering its communication only with the convent, as well as its square
plan with a pier in the middle, this Identification seems convincing.
10 W. Łuszczkiewicz, Architektura najdawniejszych kościołów franciszkańskich w Potsce, “Sprawo-
zdania Komisyi do badań Historyi Sztuki w Polsce”, 4,1891, p. 175; P. Crossley, Gothic Architecture
in the Reign ofKasimir the Great. Church Architecture in Lesser Potand 1320-1380, Kraków 1985,
p. 88.

5. Stary Sącz, the church
of Poor Clares, the western
wali of the nave with the
window of the convent’s
gallery, accordingto
W. Łuszczkiewicz, Najdaw-
niejsze kościoły, fig. xxvi 1.
-> see p.8
6. Stary Sącz, the church of
Poor Clares, the pier of the
Photo by Piotr Pajor.
7. Stary Sącz, the church
of Poor Clares, tracery in
the eastern window of the
convent’s tribune.
Photo by Piotr Pajor.
-> see p.9

Several remarks on the circumstances of the construction and architectural form...
