Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 18.2018

DOI Artikel:
Pajor, Piotr: Kilka uwag o okolicznościach budowy i formie architektonicznej kościoła Klarysek w Starym Sączu
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the chapels under the towers of the church of St. Mary s in Kraków, erected in all
probability at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Significantly, the
massive ribs with a profile shaped by one flattened scotia were combined in these
chapels with pear-shaped supports and the characteristic, pitcher-shaped capitals,
originating, I think, from the circle of the Cistercian church workshop in Salem.30
This last proposition, which I will discuss later in the article, turns out to be particu-
larly intriguing. Contrary to the opinion of the majority of researchers, there is in
fact nothing to suggest that the Poor Clares’ church in Stary Sącz is a non-uniform
construction. Even if some parts of an older structure were used in its construction,
this did not have a elear impact on the finał form of the church.31
It also seems that the majority of the most original formal Solutions used in
the Poor Clares’ church in Stary Sącz find suitable counterparts in the stylistic
novelties encountered in the architecture of Central Europę in the early fourteenth
century. The base of the column in the chapterhouse is characteristic, particularly
the trapezoidal sides thereof. The base goes from the quadrilateral pedestial to
the octagonal shaft using truncated corners that form triangular sides. Above all,
its shape resembles pierś bases in the choir of the Cistercian church in Kamieniec
Ząbkowicki, erected before the year 1305 - having said that, in the latter, similar
elements were used to compose cruciform pillars32 (see: Fig. 10). In turn, octago-
nal pillars on similar, albeit morę fancifully profiled pedestals were used in the
chapterhouse of the Cistercian monastery in Zlata Koruna (circa 1300?) or in the
probable contemporary of the discussed church (before 1335), namely the refectory
in the monastery of the same order in Bebenhausen.33 Due to the simplification of
forms and the direct transition of the trapezoidal base into an octagonal shaft, it is
particularly worth mentioning the pillars in the basement under the house of the
lay brothers, in the monastery of Cistercians Kappel am Albis (beginning of the
fourteenth century?).34 Throughout Central Europę, corbels with tracery cut-outs

10. Kamieniec Ząbkowicki,
the Cistercian church,
the base of the pier in the
eastern part.
Photo by Jakub Adamski.
-> see p.13

30 See: P. Pajor, Co wiemy o pierwszym gotyckim kościele Mariackim? Rekonstrukcja, styl, kontekst
urbanistyczny, in: M. Walczak (ed.), ]ako serce pośrodku ciała. Dzieje artystyczne kościoła Ma-
riackiego w Krakowie, Kraków (in preparation).
31 It should be noted at this point that this particular view was already expressed at the beginning
of the research into the Stary Sącz church by Łuszczkiewicz, who wrote about the church known
from the thirteenth century sources: “that it is not the structure we know today, standing under
the cali of the Holy Trinity; of which fact we are instructed by the uniformity of style of the
convent church, belonging to the second or third decade of the fourteenth century” (W. Łuszcz-
kiewicz, Architektura najdawniejszych kościołów, p.174).
32 J. Adamski, Gotycka architektura sakralna na Śląsku w latach 1200-1420. Główne kierunki rozwoju,
Kraków 2018, pp. 243-247.1 would like to thank Dr Jakub Adamski for drawing my attention
to this particular implementation.
33 J. Kuthan, Ćeska architektura v dobę poślednich Premyslovcu, Praha 1994, pp. 493-496; M. Kohler,
Die Bau- und Kunstgeschichte des ehemaligen Zisterzienserklosters Bebenhausen bei Tubingen.
Der Klausurbereich, Stuttgart 1995, pp. 206-243, in particular, pp. 232-233; S. Gerlach, Ein Bau
von europdischen Rang? - Zur architekturgeschichtlichen Bedeutung des Sommerrefektoriums in
Bebenhausen, “Jahrbuch der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen in Baden-Wurttemberg”, 45, 2008,
pp. 13-14.
34 The monastery buildings in Kappel are not dated in detail, but it is believed that the western
wing of the monastery, containing the house of lay brethren, was created morę or less parallel
to the church, thus at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries; H.R. Sennhauser, Der
Kloster Kappel im Mittelalter. Bemerkungen zur Klosterkirche und zur Klosteranlage, in: Ziste-
rzienserbauten in der Schweiz. Neue Forschungsergebnisse zur Archdologie und Kunstgeschichte,
vol. 2: Mdnnerklóster, Ziirich 1990, pp. 103-107.

Several remarks on the circumstances of the construction and architectural form...
