Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Brownish tone. Outlines of eyes, nose, and r. edges of
drapery shaded in pinky red. Between the background
and the face on the 1. (shaded) side, a thin line is stumped
out, forming a clean outline.

Remelted, with thin layer of wax added.

Plate X., fig. 14.

BB. Girl (in mummy): symmetrically en face; shading
principally on neck; hair (black) in coils round face; ear-
rings (triglena) pearls and gold; necklace of fifteen big
pearls. Chiton purple; himation yellowish brown. Hair
black, on which the coils and individual hairs are indicated
by stumping with a sharp point (cestrum or handle of
brush ?); it seems to have a parting in the two lower coils.
Background thick muddy greenish colour. Good model-
ling on face, which, however, is quite corpse-like, nearly
white; partly spoiled by soaking of oil from the inside down
the centre. The gold is not gilt, but coloured ochre.

AF. Man : Roman ; hook nose, angular eyebrows nearly
meeting, long face, pointed chin, slight moustache, beard,
and whiskers; short curly hair, drawn in single lines. Body
to r., face nearly to front. Shading a mere line down r. of
nose, and the same used irrespectively for shading or as
outline throughout High light down nose and on lip only.
Background warm, greenish grey, quite smooth. Chiton
white, narrow purple stripe on 1., and himation which has
been white, on to which the red of the flesh-colour has run
upon the 1. shoulder.

Drawing flat, mannered, and angular. Tone deep brown-
ish red. Drapery plain wash with a hard angular line for
edge and fold. Black line over eyes, with lashes.

AJ.* Middle-aged man: thick lipped, square in face;
Romano-Egyptian (?); body to 1., head nearly en face,
slightly to 1. Shading on 1. side of face and under chin;
high light on nose, cheek bones, and temples; hair short
and coarse; shaven chin and lip, bluish colour. Back-
ground dirty, bluish white, smooth, but badly laid on,
obscuring outline of dress and r. of neck. White chiton
with purple stripe on 1. shoulder.

All the main lines laid in in coarse purple stroke, and
very coarse brushwork on surface throughout; hair massed on.
On the drapery white wax colour has run downwards; red tone.

Remelted, with thin layer of wax added.

Plate X., fig. 13.

R.* Young man: shoulders to 1., head slightly to 1. ; in
greenish white chiton with purple stripe on r. shoulder;
white mantle passing from back of neck over shoulders.
Background a darker dirty green; no pure colour. Hair
of head reddish brown, thin moustache, and small peaked
beard, in coarse black lines. High light down nose;
purple line round eyes; eyebrows nearly meet, sloping
downwards. Heavy brushwork; perpendicular thin style.


V.* Youth : Romano-Egyptian ; symmetrical arched eye-
brows, \vhich nearly meet; hook nose, large almond eyes,
pointed chin, thick lips. Body to 1., face nearly to front.
Shading, a line on 1. cheek and under chin; high light
straight down nose. Hair short-cropped. Background a
greenish slate-colour, correcting outline, smooth. Chiton
and himation white with bluish shading, narrow purple
stripe on 1. shoulder.

Drawing mechanical, hard, and flat; pinkish red tone.
Hair merely a flat black wash, on which dashes of back-
ground colour; a pink dab on cheeks and chin; black line
over eyes, no lashes; edge of drapery quite straight.

Remelted, with thin layer of wax added.

SS.* Lady: Egyptian (?); short squat smiling face, eyebrows
and eyes sloping downwards towards nose, protruding lips,
hair of wiry curly single locks nearly to shoulders. Body

to r., face nearly to front. Shading in a narrow line on 1.
of nose and under chin. Background nearly white, fairly
smooth. Earrings formed of a string of three pearls on a
hoop of gold (coloured yellow), and necklace formed of
large circles joined by small beads of gold, with a crescent
pendant of gold (yellow). Chiton white with broad purple
stripe; purple himation over 1. shoulder.

Drawing fair. Drapery mechanical. Down the himation
two stripes of black are stumped out with a zigzag line,
done with a sharp point. Surface generally much injured.

Remelted, with thin layer of wax added.

O.* Girl: with long wavy hair down the back. Body
to r., face nearly to front. Too much injured to make out
clearly. Greenish chiton with dark blue stripe down each
breast, and whitish himation over each shoulder.

Seems to have been fairly good, but too much is gone to
make this clear.

Remelted, with thin layer of wax added.

U.* Man: Romano-Egyptian (?); eyebrows nearly meet-
ing ; eyes long, narrow, sloping downwards to nose; slight
moustache, beard, and whiskers. Body to r., face slightly
so. Shading a thin line on 1. of nose and below chin ;
high light, strong line down nose. Hair a mass of thick
curls, each indicated in a scrawling fashion. Background
greenish yellow, cross-hatched smoothly, leaving clean out-
line. Chiton white with narrow stripe and lines of back-
ground colour; himation, same, over both shoulders.

Drawing very mannered, niggling, angular, and affected.
Cross-hatching on face, purple wash for shade below eyes.
Vermilion tone. Lips extremely thin and weak. Eye-
lashes coarsely indicated; eyeballs deep purple.

AE* Man: Roman; bull-necked, thick-lipped, with
stubbly beard and hair, thick lips and a small moustache;
hair close-cropped, descending in a half circle over brow.
Body to r., face nearly to front. Shading on r., and narrow
purple outline everywhere. High light down nose, and on
lip and chin. Hair smooth wash, with edge hairs drawn
in black. Background mauve, smooth. White chiton and
himation, with narrow stripe,

Drawing of face good, drapery poor; deep brown tone.
Horizontal hatching on face.





By Percy E. Newberry.

57. Since the close of the last century, when Egypt

was in a great measure rediscovered by the French

savants attached to Bonaparte's Egyptian expedition,

many interesting discoveries of ancient vegetable

remains in the tombs and cemeteries of the ancient

Egyptians have been made.

* This paper was read before the Biological Section of the
British Association, at the Bath meeting, 1888, and an abstract
of it is published in the Proceedings. The author must express
his acknowledgments to Mr Jackson, Mr Carruthers, Mr
Holmes, Prof. Crepan, and especially to Mr Thiselton Dyer
and Prof Oliver for their kind and most valuable assistance.