Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Tethys' Temple" and others can work. Ali thèse water attractions could be regulated (opened or shut) in order to keep the balance
in the main réservoir. The lower pond is the place through which the Zofiówka waters flow to the Kamionka river.

Entering the park, one must remember that it was smaller than it is now. Visitor's interest will surely be drawn by "The
Tarpeian Rock", to the right of the main alley, formed by three huge pink granité blocks. The blocks are so huge that one starts
wondering how Metzell managed to arrange them in such a way.

Going down the alley along the Kamionka, the visitor reaches the lower pond. He admires the beautiful fountain in the middle
of the pond that throws water up to 20 metres. Water is supplied from the upper pond by a spécial system of pipes. The différence
of the pond levels is 23 metres. In 1890s a huge sculpted snake was fixed and sińce then water has run up through its mouth. The
fountain is now called "Zmieja".

The visitor moves on the left bank of the pond and carefully watches the other side. His attention is drawn by a colossal
granité błock called "The Stone of Death". During the formation of the right bank, the błock fell down unexpectedly and many
peasants lost their lives under it. Near "The Stone" there is the Belvédère, a terrace formed on huge granité blocks. This is a perfect
viewpoint from which one may admire the lower pond. Some years after it had been built, a marble statue of Apollo was placed
there. It is said to have been in the park from the very beginning. Next the visitor may admire "Skała Leukadejska" on the right
bank. In front of him there is "The Muses Terrace". The pond rapidly turns right and vanishes in "Giants' Valley" where the
Kamionka waters flow. The visitor, looking at "The Great Cascade", crosses an iron bridge and enters a round square called
„Meeting Square" on the tiny peninsula. This is the central point of the park.

On the hill where the upper pond is, one may find the greatest number of attractions. In the foreground there is the „Giants'
Valley" with huge granité blocks arranged by Metzell. The number of artificial caves in Zofiówka is astounding: "Lokietek's
Grotto", "Spring" (later called "Diana's Mirror"), "Calypso's Grotto", later name "Lions'Grotto" or "Thunders's Grotto". There
are also "Fear and Doubt Grotto", "Western Grotto" and "Nut". "Tetidion", called also "Venus' Grotto", is something between
a cave and a pavilion. On holidays it is hidden behind a water curtain.

Boat cruises on the Styx are the greatest fun for the visitors. Through the Amsterdam Dike the boat gets from the upper lake
into the underground canal which is 224 m long and then to "Dead Pool". One may cruise the other way round as well. From
"Dead Pool" water flows through a spécial seven-level open canal towards the Great Cascade which is the most powerful element
of the park. "Dead Pool" supplies water also to the "Fountain of Seven Streamlets" situated just above "Muses Terrace".

The "Elysian Fields" are an important part of the park for those who need rest. The stream there splits into three tiny
cascades. Thèse are the "Three Tears" commemorating three illegitimate children of Stanisław Potocki and Zofia Witt who died
very young. The nearby broken column was called "the mémorial of lost fatherland" by the Pôles who lived in Humań in 19. and
20. centuries.

In the "Fields" there is the Athenian Academy (rocks on which philosophers were to sit) and the "Cretan Labyrinth". Once
a statue of Stanisław Trembecki, the poet, was there. On the upper pond there is also the "Anti-Circe Isle", later called "The Isle
of Love". Why "Anti-Circe"? Circe from "Odyssey" changed people lured to her island into animais. Here, in Zofiówka, it was
différent. Vicious beasts disposed of their nasty features. The animais described by Trembecki in the "Zofiówka" poem were
personifications of human vices.

In Zofiówka we encounter the incredible wealth of ideas. Metzell attempted to evoke strong émotions in the visitors. The
silence of the mysterious caves, the bluster of the "Great Cascade", uncanny cruises on the Styx and the peaceful atmosphère of the
"Elysian Fiels" left long-lasting impressions in the visitor's memory. Everything was arranged in order to hide any traces of human
activity. Différent trees were also another important element of Zofiówka. They were sometimes imported fully grown from remote
places and planted anew in specially prepared soil. Metzell turned out to be a giant improving the nature and creating the
landscape anew. How typical of romantism!

We did not know much about his further fate. After Count Potocki had died, the works in Zofiówka were interrupted and
Metzell left for Warsaw in 1806. He left his disciple, Oliwa, to take care of Zofiówka and believed that he would return to Ukraine
one day to complète his work. It never happened. Zofia Witt-Potocka lacked money. She died in 1822 and the Humań estate along
with Zofiówka were inherited by her son, Count Aleksander Potocki. After November Insurrection, Humań estate was confiscated
by Tzar Mikołaj I and in the history of Zofiówka a new era began. After Kingdom of Poland had been established, Metzell started
to work in state administration and in 1816 he was in charge of Water and Land Transportation Department in Home Office. Не
was very active in this field. He retired in 1833 and died on the 21st of November, 1848 in Warsaw. He was buried at Powązki
Cemetery catacombs.

Ludwik Chrystian Metzell turns out to have been one of the most gifted Polish engineers of 18/19 centuries. In Zofiówka he
carried out a gigantic work of changing the landscape and correcting the nature. He properly used the rich library of the Potocki
family in Tulczyn where he found illustrated materials. He was a man of the world, well educated and well travelled. The aim of this
paper was to remind us of this interesting figure.