Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Historii Sztuki — 37.2012

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Krzyżagórska-Pisarek, Katarzyna: Two portraits of the prince Ladislas-Sigismund Vasa from the Collections in Wawel Castle re-examined
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1. Workshop of Peter Paul Rubens, Ladislas-Sigismund IV, King of Poland, oil on canvas, с. 1624,
H.O. Havemeyer Collection, Bequest of Mrs. H.O. Havemeyer, [deaccessioned] 1929.
Photograph courtesy of the Metropolitan Muséum of Art, New York

Europe during the years 1624—1625, prompted by a pilgrimage to Loreto and Rome15. The Polish Prince
travelled incognito as nobleman Snopkowski (name which was connected with the Vasa coat of arms
Snopek), with a large entourage of court officiais. The Prince who was also related to the Habsburgs by
his later marriage to the Archduchess Renatę of Austria (whom he married in 1637), travelled with about
forty important personalities such as the Lithuanian Chancellor Prince Albrycht Stanisław Radziwiłł, Łukasz
Żółkiewski, Adam Kazanowski, Gerard Denhoff and many others. Stefan Pac, the Grand Clerk of Lithu-
ania, as well as Jan Hagenaw, a courtier from the Radziwiłł's entourage, both recorded the journey in their
travel diaries. They left Poland on 17 May 1624, and returned home on 22 May 1625. During his travels,
the Prince had acquired a number of paintings and works of art in Vienna, Brussels, Milan and Rome16.

Between 6 and 21 September17, and then between 2 and 14 October 1624, the Prince stayed with
his aunt Infanta Isabella at the Coudenberg Palace in Brussels. He also visited Antwerp between 22 and
26 September18, and then between 30 September and 2 October 162419. He was at the military camp at
Breda between 26 and 29 October. For the young prince interested in war matters it was a very instructive
visit. Later Velazques painted the crucial moment of the campaign the Dutch surrender to victorious

15 S. P а с, Obraz dworów europejskich na początku XVII wieku przedstawiony w dzienniku podróży królewicza Władysława syna
Zygmunta III, do Niemiec, Austrii, Belgii, Szwajcarii i Włoch w roku 1624 do 1625, Wrocław 1854, p. 1, and pp. 54-55: „...wybrawszy
się na peregrynacje dla odprawienia wot, na miejsca Święte, mianowicie do Loretu i do Rzymu uczynionych."

16 Chrościcki, Diplomazia..., p. 96.

17 Pac, op. cit., p. 62: on the 6th of September diary entry: „Już było godzin ze dwie w noc kiedyśmy do Bruxel wjechali [...]";
also A. Przyboś (ed.), Podróż królewicza Władysława Wazy do krajów Europy Zachodniej w latach 1624-1625 w świetle ówczesnych
relacji, Kraków 1977, p. 161.

18 The Prince and his companions left Antwerp for the camp at Breda on 26h September 1624, where they stayed for a few days;
they went back to Antwerp on 30 September.

19 They left Antwerp for Brussels on 2 September 1624.