Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Historii Sztuki — 44.2019

DOI Artikel:
Adamski, Jakub: An allusion to a cathedral in a rural foundation: on the iconography of the architecture of the sixteenth-century parish church in Brochów
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13. Venice, church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, chancel. Photo by Wikipedia Commons

of Cristoforo Bonadura the Elder, who used this spectacular design to remodel the chancel section of the
parish church in Grodzisk Wielkopolski (1635-1648).61
However, towers built on the eastern sides of churches are a solution inseparably connected with
the development of medieval architecture in Western and Central Europe from the Carolingian period
onwards. The issue of eastern towers in Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals in France and Germany must
be left out of the current discussion, since those were always built in pairs, usually in the comers of the
edifice, at the arms of the transept, or in the comers between the choir and the transversal nave; they
are, therefore, not an analogy to the axial tower with a gallery that rises over the apse of the Brochów
church. In turn, towers erected above the sanctuary or directly behind it are plentiful in the architecture
of the German Reich from the late 12th century onwards. Among the most monumental examples is the
huge square tower behind the apse of the parish church in Złotoryja, whose construction began ca. 1482.62
In the parish church of the Swabian town of Balingen, in turn, an octagonal bell tower of an equally
impressive height was built, before 1512, above the apse of the choir and further extended in 1541.63
In both cases, the reason for this non-standard setting of the main vertical feature of the edifice was the
topography of the town: both towers are turned towards the market squares and clearly dominate over
their architectural arrangement.

61 See A. Miłobędzki, Architektura polska XVII wieku, Warsaw 1980 {Dzieje Sztuki Polskiej, vol. 4), p. 271-273; M. Karpo-
wicz, Die Graubündner Künstler in Polen, [in:] Grubündner Baumeister und Stukkateure. Beiträge zur Erforschung ihrer Tätigkeit im
mitteleuropäischen Raum, Hrsg. M. Kühlenthal, Locarno 1997, pp. 385-389.
62 H. Lutsch, Verzeichnis der Kunstdenkmäler der Provinz Schlesien, Bd. 3, Die Kunstdenkmäler der Landkreise des Reg.-Bezirks
Liegnitz, Breslau 1891, p. 294; Architektura gotycka..., p. 275 [note by S. Stulin, A. Wlodarek],
63 K. Wedler, Die Stadtkirche in Balingen (Baden-Württemberg). Evangelische Pfarrkirche U. L. Frau, Munich 1976.