Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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vain ; and perceiving that be grew displeased, I
allowed myself to be conducted into the mosque?
and on my return I assured him that the report
spread concerning the pretended treasures, said to
be concealed there, was an imposture, and that
not an atom existed in it.

I profited by this opportunity to reproach the
Kigschef for having endeavoured to deprive me of
my Syrian interpreter. With the intention of
having an explanation on this subject, I had taken
with me a young Alexandrian servant, who,
understanding the lingua Franca, could, thou<rb
with some difficulty, serve me as an interpreter.
Dacrnd appeared to be very much surprised: he
sent for the Syrian, who had not the assurance to
maintain in the presence of the Klasclicf, what he
had accused him of to me with the utmost degree
of perfidy. Indeed he had the audacity to assure
me that Daoud wished him to enter into his service,
and that he had received from him, even in writing,
the most flattering promises. But he was obliged
to acknowledge his imposture, and the irritated
Kiaschef was going to order the bastinado to be
applied to the soles of his feet, if I had not en-
treated, a pardon for him, which I had some
difficulty to obtain, and only upon condition, that
if the same man gave me any new cause of dis-