Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 10.1897

DOI Heft:
No. 48 (March, 1897)
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Among the notable posters
that have appeared lately are
Mile. Atche's design for the
"Job " cigarette papers, Griir's
Au Violon, a most comical and
animated design, and that by
M. Maxime de Thomas, to an-
nounce the 13th Exhibition of
the Impressionists and Symbol-
ists at Le Bare de Bouteville's.

M.Carriere is proceeding with
his series of lithographic por-
traits of celebrities. After Al-
phonse Daudet, Verlaine, Ed-
mond de Goncourt, and Henri
Rochefort, comes Puvis de
Chavannes. Notwithstanding
his undoubted ability, it seems
to me that he has not been quite
happy in his two last-named
subjects. They are more like
phantoms, seen in moments of
dreaming, than human beings.
Technically, however, from the
point of view of workmanship,
kire-screen by charles plumet the lithography is superb, forM.

porcelain cream-jug by a. charpextier Carriere handles this method

(See "T/ie Decorative Art Movement in Paris '•') with extraordinary power.

Dagnan-Bouveret, Girardot, Machard, Pointelin,
Prinet and Gerome. It was a pleasure to see
once more M. Eugene Lomont's Femme a sa
Toilette, a reproduction of which was published
by The Studio in the article on the Salon
des Champs-Elysees of 1896. But the clou
of the Exhibition is found in a set of works by
Gustave Courbet, whose masterly skill creates even
more impression than usual here, among so much
that is for the most part commonplace and inferior.
His La Cascade, his Trou JYoir, his Ce?fs sous Bois7
and his two seascapes fully reveal their author's
power, his force of touch, his passionate love of
Nature in all her aspects.

I have often referred in these columns to M. Le
Sidaner, a landscapist of rare and delicate sensi-
bility and very original gifts. The Exhibition of his
works recently given at the Mancini Gallery in the
Rue Taitbout was a great success. Want of space
prevents me from dealing with it as it deserves,
but I shall certainly refer to the display later on, for
M. Le Sidaner claims attention. He is an artist of
strong conviction, sincere and forceful.

LTmage, a new monthly review7, has recently
appeared for the first time, published by Floury.
The magazine is under the control of the French

bracelet and brooch by h. nocq

(See "The Decorative Art Movement in Paris")