Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 15.1899

DOI issue:
No. 68 (November 1898)
DOI article:
Wood, Esther: The Manchester Arts and Crafts Exhibition
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Studio- Talk

work, which, while serving a practical purpose in
the setting of the hinges and the protection of the
legs, retains at the same time an exquisite lightness
and delicacy of effect. The carrying of the hinge-
work round to the front of the doors is managed
with spontaneous grace, though the encircling frame
thus given to the panel perhaps suggests a need of
something to fill the centre—which in fact was the
first intention of the designer, and was only sacri-
ficed to the just fear of over-elaboration in the
ornament. In the oak settle, with its sober dignity
of outline and reticent decoration, the ideal of
simplicity comes nearer to fulfilment. These ex-
hibits were pleasingly typical of Mr. Edgar Wood's
work in furniture design, and some interesting
architectural drawings represented him in his wider
capacity; but the full extent and value of his
labours in the Manchester Art Workers' Guild
are only known to those who have enjoyed the
stimulus of fellowship with so conscientious and
earnest a craftsman.


(From our own Correspondents.)

LONDON.— The directors of the New
Gallery have shown a good deal of
judgment both in their choice of a
motive for an autumn exhibition and
in their manner of carrying out the
arrangements connected with it. What they have
gathered is calculated to appeal to many varieties
of art taste, and to interest very different shades
of aesthetic opinion. The pictures by living French
artists, which fill two of the rooms, will attract
every one who makes a study of modern technical
developments, and the relics of the arts of other
times, with which Signor Bardini, of Florence, has
filled the rest of the gallery, will fascinate not only
the archajologist but, as well, the many people who
are learned in the details of applied art. Some of
the best pieces of painting are Mdme. Demont-
Breton's In the Azure Sea, M. A. Bouche's Moon-
rise, M. Roybet's A Bravo, and the portraits by
MM. Benjamin-Constant, J. P. Laurens, Eugene
Burnand, and Emile Renard; but few of the sixty
pictures hung in the rooms can be said to be un-
worthy of attention. The objects exhibited by
Signor Bardini number some hundreds, and range
in date from classic times to the end of the seven-
teenth century. A few cases of enamels and of
gold and silversmiths' work by present-day French
workers appropriately complete the show.

LIVERPOOL. — R. E. Morrison in his
many previous successes as a portraitist
never produced a more admirable and
adequate rendering of a particulary fine
subject than his painting (No. 987) at
the Walker Art Gallery Exhibition of C. C. Cot-
ter ill, Esq., the first headmaster of the Greenbank
High School, and the past and present pupils, who
have made this gift to the school, are naturally
gratified to have secured so fine a work..

Mr. Morrison's studio is at present the centre
of much interest on account of his remarkable
portrait of the late Sir Arthur B. Forwood, painted
immediately previous to the baronet's tragically
sudden death.

At the School of Architecture and Applied Art
of University College there has hitherto been no
re-opening after a recess that has afforded better
promise of success than this fifth session. To the
already well-established courses in the architectural
studio, painting and drawing, sculpture and model-
ling studios, wood carving, copper and brass, and
wrought-iron workshops, and the furniture and fit-
tings design class, has now been added a course
for stained glass and decorative design under the
direction of J. Herbert McNair, newly appointed
from Glasgow.

All these courses, being open for day and even-
ing students, provide special instruction of an ad-
vanced kind for skilled craftsmen and artisans, and
tend to effect a more complete union between the
different arts and crafts.

The Liverpool Architectural Society commences
its fifty-first session under the re-elected President,
W. E. Willink, M.A., A.R.I.B.A., with a well-
arranged syllabus for papers, discussions, and visits
to buildings and other places of interest.

H. B. B.

BERLIN.—The great annual Exhibition
of this year tempts one simply to
repeat the comments passed on its
immediate predecessor, for there are
to be heard the same complaints and
the same sharp criticisms. If, indeed, it were not
for the fact that this particular Exhibition reveals
