Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 15.1899

DOI Heft:
No. 68 (November 1898)
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vals, while in the distance can be seen the old grey A very good and interesting collection has been

walls of a castle standing out on a hill. In his brought together, comprising the names of Wald-

treatment of every subject there is evident that muller, Daffinger, Dannhauser, Ender, Fiihrich,

delightful sense of the beautiful with which Volk- Canon, Fendi, Czermak, Amerling, Jacob Alt,

mann handles the subject just described, and yet Grottger, Kurzbauer, Matejko, Raffalt, Ranftl,

his material is always of this plain, unambitious Schonn, Strassgeschwandtner, Rahl, Leopold

character. In the room in which his pictures are Muller, Moritz von Schwind, the landscapist Jacob

exhibited are several armchairs the backs of which E. Schindler, and last, but not least, Hans Makart,

have been carved by Dr. R. Volkmann from a that colour-inspired genius of quick renown and

design by the painter. Thanks to the kindness of quick oblivion. His famous series of five beautiful

this talented artist, the designs on some of these nude figures, The Five Senses, have been lent to the

chair-backs will be reproduced in the next number Kiinstlerhaus from the private collection of Mr.

of The Studio, together with some notes on the Miethke. In addition to this, the Emperor Francis

Applied Art section of the Exhibition. Joseph has given permission to exhibit the cycle of

G. G. pictures by Grottger, The Vale of Tears, belonging
to the imperial collection at the Castle of Goddllo,

VIENNA.—The past months have been in Hungary, in the Kiinstlerhaus during the time

somewhat dull here, after the closing of the exhibition, and the Archduke Ferdinand

of the two summer exhibitions at the Karl has likewise placed the thirty-one fine water-

Kiinstlerhaus and the Gartenbauge- colours by Fendi, belonging to the collection of

sellschaft. On the 15 th October the Schloss Rottenstein, at the disposal of the com-

Kiinstlerhaus opened its retrospective exhibition of mittee.

painting in Austria during the last fifty years, this -

being the supplementary part of the Jubileums-Aus- Meanwhile the architect, Mr. Joseph M. Olbrich,
.stellung: Fiinfzig Jahre QSsterreichischer Malerei. is building and decorating the new exhibition

