Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 23.1901

DOI Heft:
Nr. 100 (July 1901)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in " The Studio" Prize Competitions

of Chaucer's beautiful line, " In worship of Diane
of Chastitie " is not happy ; " Das Heiligthum von
Dianens Priesterin" is but a faint echo of the
original. Moreover, though reasons are given for
the omission in a note at the end of the " Oliven
Zweigen," it seems a pity that, in dealing with an
author of such high reputation as Ruskin, anything
should have been left out. With regard to the
form in which these volumes are issued, it is
difficult to speak in terms of praise, for they are,
of course, greatly inferior in general get-up and
in their illustrations to the originals; but to attain
to the high degree of excellence exacted by Ruskin
would be a very costly matter, and it speaks well
for the culture of Germany that there should
be a demand for translations of works so erudite
as these.

Aphorism. By Marie von Ebner Eschenbach.
Fifth edition. (Berlin : The Brothers Paetel.)
Price 5 marks.—This tasteful little volume is full
of quaint and pregnant sayings, and would make
a charming daily text-book of conduct for young
people. To take a few instances at haphazard,
how suggestive are the following aphorisms : " What
is learnt in youth is understood in old age. A
great deal less evil would be done on earth if the
evil were not so often done in the name of the
good. He who still hopes for happiness must
not complain of suffering. Nothing is more pitiable
than a too early resignation. The vain and weak
see a judge in everyone; the proud and strong
have no judge but themselves. One true friend
contributes more to our happiness than a thousand
enemies to our misfortunes. A man with exalted
ideas is not a pleasant neighbour. Active and
ennobling sympathy is the outcome of pity for
others; effeminate, pusillanimous sentimentality,
of pity for ourselves. When we can only perceive
that which we wish to see, we have already become
spiritually blind."

A Dictionary of Architecture and Building. By
Russell Sturgis, A.M.Ph.D. (New York and
London: The Macmillan Company.) Price 25s.
net.—The first volume of what promises to be a
most notable work has reached us, and a full and
detailed criticism must be postponed until its com-
pletion enables us to form a final judgment upon
its merits. The volume under review extends from
A to E, and has 942 columns of press-matter. It is
illustrated by numerous wood-cuts obtained from
various sources, and some interesting full-page
half-tone blocks. A good architectural dictionary
has long been needed, and the completion of the
present work will be looked forward to with im-

patience by all those interested in the acquisition
of such an important book of reference.

Fact and Fable. By Effie Johnson. Illus-
trated by Olive Allen. (London : Chapman &
Hall.) Price 6s.—The work of Miss Olive Allen
will be well known to those who peruse the pages
of The Studio devoted to the Competition awards.
Endowed with a remarkable imagination, consider-
able decorative instinct and technical ability, she
shows promise of a most successful career. Her
illustrations to Fact a?id Fable, a cleverly-written
book for children, are full of force and originality,
and we shall look forward with much interest to
later developments of her work.

Class A. Decorative Art.
Design for a Firegrate in Cast Iron.

The results ot this competition are not entirely
satisfactory, for a large number of the designs sent
in are more suitable for wrought than for cast iron.
The closing doors in the illustrated design by
Ouvrier are good in idea, and therefore worth
reproducing : but they would be far too heavy if
carried out in cast iron.;

The First Prize {Two Guineas) has been
awarded to Light (Sydney R. Turner, 13 Drakefell
Road, St. Catherine's Park, London, S.E.).

The Second Prize {One Guinea) to Tramp
(David Veazey, 27 Rectory Place, Woolwich).

Honourable mention is given to the following:—
Ouvrier (J. H. Rudd) ; Severity (J. Edine) ;
Curlew (L. G. Bird) ; and Newland (F. N. Smith).

Class B. Pen and Ink Work.
Design for a Postage Stamp.

In this competition the designs fall so far short
of expectation that the prizes will not be awarded.

Class C. Photographs from Nature.
Study of Growing Flowers.
(C VII).

The First Prize {One Guinea) is gained by
Alexis (A. Keighley, Steeton High Hall, near

The Second Prize (Half-a-Guinea) is awarded
to Memoa (H. C. Leat, 2 Richmond Street, Totter-
down, Bristol).

Honourable mention is given to the following :—
Blumen (Mrs. Caleb Keene); Nandana (J. C.
Varty-Smith); Blaven (C. Flemming); Lois (Ethel
Slatter) ; and Pheasant's-Eye (D. Dunlop).