Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 23.1901

DOI Heft:
Nr. 101 (August 1901)
DOI Artikel:
Vallance, Aymer: The revival of tempera painting
DOI Artikel:
Glasgow international exhibition, [2]
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Glasgow Exhibition

done, "the taste for petty things and petty
methods." These are hard sayings and unaccept-
able, maybe, to most ears. Nevertheless the cor-
relative proposition, which extols and exalts
tempera to the highest place of dignity among the
painter's arts, not a few of us are thankful to hear
and hail as a very gospel.

Aymer Vallance.



At the outset it may be said that as
a whole the display of furniture at the Exhibition is
somewhat meagre. With the notable exception of
one or two exhibits the furniture is of the ordinary
commercial quality, both as regards manufacture
and design; and though the more flagrant per-
versions of art industry that disfigured some of the
furniture displayed at Glasgow in 1888 have dis-
appeared from the stalk, yet here and there are
still to be found lingering remnants of the old

. . . table designed by e. a. taylor

delusions as to what constitutes furniture design. exhibited by Messrs. wylie and lochhead

If the history of these articles of furniture could
be traced, it would probably be found that they are

portions of old stock sent for chance of sale to sance so overlaid with rococo as to make the latter
rustic visitors, and with no serious intention of predominant. After all that can be said in its
competition. favour, one feels that the furniture displayed in

In the French section the leading ideas of the the French Court has a meretricious aspect, lack-
designers are either exclusively French, or Renais- ing the quiet power of refinement and restraint,

and showing a treatment in
detail entirely destructive to
dignity and breadth. We
illustrate a long case clock—
a decorative object of very
considerable beauty and a
worthy example of craftsman-

Austria sends but few
examples to the present
gathering, but one of them, a
cabinet, is very good in style j
beyond this there is nothing
calling for special remark.

Of British exhibitors,
Messrs. Wylie & Lochhead
occupy the largest floor space;
besides their pavilion they
have furnished the Royal
Reception Rooms at the
main entrance, and the work
has been carried out with
designed by e. a. taylor commendable taste. They

exhibited by messrs. wylie and lochhead have, so far as possible,

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