Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 120 (March 1903)
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Studio- Talk

nobel medal by erik lindberg

(physiology and medicine)

nobel medal by erik lindberg


and Mr. M. A. Maurer's interiors, are all full of
interesting research and discovery. While Mr. Pat-
terson is a little heavy in his black, Mr. Dougherty,
on the other hand, lends delightful poetic fancy to
mysterious landscapes seen by moonlight. Mr.
Mott Smith's Japanese Girl, the Hawaii Islands, is
a fine piece of painting, but of composition, alas !
it has none. Mr. Faulkner and Mr. L. Walden are
always themselves. Among the sculpture I note
the works of M. Schuler and A child's head and A
portrait of the Maharajah of Bobbili, K.C.I.E., by
the skilful hand of Mr. Spicer Simson. Among
the chief attractions of the Exhibition I would

mention the etchings by Mr. D. S. MacLaughlan,
which are consummate works of art.

H. F.

STOCKHOLM.—Every reader of The
Studio has, no doubt, heard of the
" Nobel Prizes " which are now annually
awarded to selected prominent men and
women of science and literature. The donator is the
famous Swedish chemist and engineer, the late Alfred
Nobel, who, by his will, left his large fortune, about
^"2,000,000, for this purpose. There are in all
four prizes (each ,£8,500), which are given to
those whom the appointed judges may consider

norel medal by erik lindberg

(physics and chrmistry)

nobel medal by erik lindberg