Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 28.1903

DOI Heft:
Nr. 120 (March 1903)
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Studio- Talk

whole world have all alike the right of proposing
those whom they may think most worthy the
honour. The " Nobel-Stiftelsen " is consequently
an essentially international institution, which,
no doubt, will in no small degree further the
efforts and endeavours in the interests of science,
culture, and humanity.

Every recipient of these prizes receives also in
commemoration a large gold medal, different for
all the classes mentioned above. The Swedish
medals are engraved by a quite young artist,
Mr. Erik Lindberg of Stockholm, who has shown
in the execution of them a very rare ability,
not only in regard to composition and artistic
workmanship, but also in the delicacy of ex-
pression and feeling of form in his modelling of
the subjects. The likeness of the donator is ex-
cellent. Mr. Lindberg was born in Stockholm,
1873, and has a very promising future before
him. He is a son of Professor Lindberg,
engraver of medals to the King of Sweden.

The Norwegian medal (for promoting peace
and fraternity) is the work of a young sculptor of
that country, Mr. Vigeland, who, during the last
"la derelitta" by d. trentacoste years, has made himself conspicuous as an ardent

(See Florence Studio-Talk) and talented follower of Auguste Rodin. His

medal proves, however, that the crude and forcible
the most eminent workers in the following ways and means of modern sculpture cannot be
branches of science : Physics and Chemistry, considered as altogether applicable in the deli-
both awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy cate art of medal engraving. Judged as sculpture
of Science ; and Physiology or Medicine, his work must, however, attract well deserved
awarded by the Royal
Swedish Carolean Insti-
tute. The Literary prize
is awarded by the Royal
Swedish Academy. Then
there is the fourth prize,
which is given away by
the Norwegian Storthing
(Parliament) to those
who have made them-
selves conspicuous in the
work of promoting peace
and fraternity among
and between the nations
of the world. All nation-
alities have the same
rights in regard to
these prizes. Members
of all recognised scien-
tific and literary insti- ■<„„.„,, ,„»

, , ' ophelia by d. trentacoste

tutions throughout the (See Florence Studio-Talk)
