Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 32.1904

DOI Heft:
No. 137 (August, 1904)
DOI Artikel:
Mobbs, Robert: Mr. Clement Heaton and his work
DOI Artikel:
Bate, Percy H.: Joseph Crawhall, master draughtsman
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Joseph Craw hall

living figure and costume have all contributed to of execution, of suggestion from life expressed in
the result. obedience to the laws of material. Although the

There is a window in Mr. Heaton's atelier reproductions accompanying this article represent
which has all the quality of the deep waters of the for the most part small plaques, panels and vases,
blue lake, at once simple and of endless variety, the fact should not be lost sight of that the essential
executed in glass made on the spot for the element of Mr. Heaton's work is architectural de-
purpose of realising this idea. He has cartoons in coration; but owing to the difficulty of obtaining
preparation with figures and ornament or plant satisfactory photographs it was not found possible
design to meet the requirements of new occasions. to illustrate his principal achievements in this
In St. Aubin's Church, near Neuchatel, he has lately direction. Robert Mobbs.

had the opportunity of showing on a limited scale

the beauty resulting from working in this branch of JOSEPH CRAWHALL, MASTER
art in a very simple way, but with full command I DRAUGHTSMAN BY PERCY

over the material, and he has now a scheme on I g^-j-jr

hand and specimen panels made which will enable

him to show it on a far more extensive scale. We have in Britain some few painters whose

Mr. Walter Crane says: "Apart from good reputations, great within their respective circles,
design, well-planned leading and colour scheme, rest entirely on a comparatively slender output,
nearly everything depends upon the careful choice on works few in number and given to the public
of tint in the glass itself, and immense pains and at long intervals, but always esteemed by the true
trouble are well spent in this way, since beauty of connoisseur. Not to veterans of the brush is
total effect, as well as particular harmonies, depend allusion here intended, such artists as the late Mr.
upon choice of the degree, depth, and quality of Watts, who, after retiring from the activities of the
the coloured glass." No living designer has realised great arena after a fruitful career, still occasion-
this more fully than Mr.
Heaton, and in richness,
gradation, harmony, and
delicate mystery of colour
his work in stained glass
is a thing of beauty. In
handling this material he
has taken up the threads
of ancient tradition and
woven them into the tex-
ture of his own fresh
thought and practice.

In conclusion, on taking
a survey of what Mr. Hea-
ton has accomplished as
an artist and master crafts-
man, it cannot be doubted
that we have here a strik-
ingly interesting manifesta-
tion of art on a large scale,
and in which the most deli-
cate ideal goes hand-in-hand
with solid and definite
means of expressing it. It
is the outcome of a thorough
knowledge of past tradition
and strong personal inde-
pendence and freshness of
invention, of a poetry of
ideal and practical means "the piebald " by Joseph ckawhall
