Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 89.1925

DOI Heft:
No. 182 (January 1925)
DOI Artikel:
Eisler, Max: Karl Sterrer
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KARL STERRER. BY DR. MAX entirely to the great leader, and there

EISLER. '00000 ensued in this child of the north a constant

struggle for freedom of fantasy, movement

MANY and varied are the characteris- and jubilation as opposed to the restfulness
tics which distinguish the development and rather romantic melancholy of the
of monumental painting in Austria since land of the sunny south. 000
1900; on the one hand there stands a Karl Sterrer is pre-eminently a draughts-
group which is symbolic of all that is man, but since his ambition was to become
modern and fashionable, having a definite a sculptor, his leaning in this direction has
scheme of ornamentation and expression, left a marked influence on his drawing,
while on the other we find followers of an His studies from life, for instance, echoing
older school, among whom is Karl Sterrer, this desire, lose the fresh vigour of the
who alone remains to uphold the honour flesh, and the bulky, almost Cyclopean
of his country in this study to-day. 0 forms assume a firmness and dull smooth-
Born in Vienna in 1885, the son of a ness associated only with stone. The same
sculptor, Sterrer comes of a good old idea underlies his colour work, for whether
Bavarian peasant stock, but the heavy, it be chalk or bistre, lithograph or water-
serious-minded, plodding type of his fore- colour, his compositions are really governed
fathers is singularly vitalised in this young by line, not harmonious or soft even, but
man. Visiting Italy in his early youth he rather approaching the hard unsympathetic
first became a student of Anselm Feuerbach, character of enormous lithographic prints,
but, soon tiring of such classic severity, he And everywhere predominating is to be
left this guidance to study independently, found the human figure. 0 a 0
drawing inspiration from Michelangelo. He Rhythm, however, is the great aim to
was, however, unable to submit himself which all his efforts aspire, and his later